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Hysterical neurosis is a form of mental disorder that is often associated with the desire to attract attention to oneself. This type of disorder most often manifests itself in people with an unstable psyche, who are emotionally unstable and react to any changes with strong emotional outbursts. Such people usually have a low level of maturity, are easily influenced and prone to manipulation. They may also exhibit narcissistic personality traits and seek to attract attention to themselves by any means available. Hysterical neurosis is often found in children whose parents suffer from mental disorders or alcoholism. Women suffer from this disorder more often than men, and it accounts for about 30% of all types of neuroses. Patients with hysterical neurosis often exhibit theatricality, egocentrism, a desire to attract attention to themselves, manipulativeness and increased sociability. Hysterical neurosis can be caused by various reasons, including childhood trauma, sexual complexes and stressful situations. People with schizoid and excitable personality disorders may also be susceptible to this disorder. In the case of hysteria, a person uses this approach to express his emotions and receive attention, sympathy and participation from others. Prognosis and prevention of hysterical neurosis The life of patients with hysterical neurosis is usually favorable, but there are also those patients who have signs of anorexia, somnambulism or suicide attempts require longer monitoring. The combination of hysterical neurosis with organic lesions of the nervous system or severe somatic illnesses often leads to adverse consequences. Prevention of hysterical neurosis includes measures aimed at preventing mental and nervous disorders, as well as strengthening and preparing the nervous system for stressful situations. Speaking about children with an increased predisposition to such behavior, it is worth adhering to some recommendations, namely, to prevent the development of hysterical neurosis, it is necessary to limit the child’s imagination, create a calm environment for him, involve him in sports and communication with peers. You should not constantly satisfy whims and surround with excessive care. An important role in this is played by proper upbringing and the formation of a full-fledged personality of the child..