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In 2020, our world came face to face with information technology, an abundance of reliable, scientific and not very truthful information on various social networks and, in general, the Internet. Teenagers turned out to be the most vulnerable, psychologically, because even they had never spent so much time on gadgets before distance learning. The school and parents are faced with a difficult task: finding a set of measures to counter information threats and risks to the physical, psychological and moral health of adolescents. To do this, it is necessary to create a safe information and educational environment (BIOS). By BIOS we mean an information and educational environment, supplemented by software and organizational tools that make it possible to protect the identity of students from negative influences. What are the factors of information danger in an educational institution? 💬Due to age and personality development, teenagers tend to unconsciously look for a significant “adult” in their environment who will be an example for them in everything. And, to the deep regret of parents, teenagers do not choose them. If there is no coach, teacher, slightly older than your peer nearby who is passionate about sports, music, programming, hiking, etc., then the search for a significant “adult” smoothly turns to the Internet. The inability of teenagers to analyze unlimited information from the Internet leads to the fact that they become very vulnerable, they can praise and copy the behavior and actions of children who are far from positive. 💬Many teenagers are exposed to cyber-bullying and violence through social networks, they are afraid to tell anyone about it, and do not know what to do in such situations. They can write unpleasant comments under photos, make fun of them in general class chats or in person, have their pages hacked, or make terrible collages with their participation. Do you know who your child communicates with on social networks and how he spends his time there? What groups is he in, what records does he make? Personal space and trust are very good, but not in cases where it concerns the safety of your child. When a child is born, parents teach him to get comfortable in this world, help, support, guide, educate, explain what is good and what is bad. So why, when we launch a child into the Internet space, do we leave him there alone with himself? This is a different world, with different rules, in which you also need to get used to it correctly. Therefore, both in schools and at home, it is important to ensure information security. Only through the joint efforts of the school and parents is it possible to minimize threats. Psychological and pedagogical ways and methods of solving problems related to information security: 1. Creating information on the school website about information threats and ways to cope with it and who to turn to for help; 2. Conducting additional classes for children, where they will be told about information threats and their consequences using real examples; 3. Conducting cases, games, debates, etc., aimed at developing skills in solving problems related to information security; 4. Educational parent meetings, seminars, trainings online and offline; 5. Development of brief methodological recommendations (brochures) for teenagers and parents. 6. It is necessary to introduce media education lessons, where they will teach how to be critical of information and the people who disseminate it; analyze information that could harm their psychological and physical health, as well as honor and dignity; expose signs of manipulation by strangers, bloggers who take advantage of the gullibility and inexperience of teenagers, involving them in illegal, antisocial activities, etc. Recommendations for parents: 1. Analyze your children’s social networks: groups, friends, comments, their statements. Feel free to ask clarifying questions to your children if.