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From the author: The article was written at the request of the children's sanatorium "Izoplite" for parents of future first-graders. The education system in our country is such that at the age of seven, a child is obliged to go to school. According to elementary school standards, a future first-grader must be examined by a psychologist so that he can assess psychological readiness for school, assess the development of mental functions: memory, attention, thinking, etc., as well as assess emotional readiness for learning. As you know, from 3 to 5-6 years old the leading motive is play. Training takes place in a playful way for better assimilation of the material. As soon as a child begins to prepare to enter school, the motive should change from playful to educational. A typical example of a delayed change of motives is when a schoolchild takes toys with him to class. In order for a child to start going to school with pleasure, it is necessary to prepare him for educational activities. You can tell stories from your school life, play a “Teacher - Student” game every day for 10-15 minutes, study mathematics or writing, drawing or the world around you. Encourage your child if he strives for new knowledge. If suddenly he is restless and not inquisitive, then feed his interest yourself, buy a children's encyclopedia, talk about amazing things in the world and nature, read books. One of the main conditions is the preparation for school itself: purchasing uniforms, textbooks, notebooks. Let the child choose his own briefcase, diary or pencil case. Make some rearrangements at home so that the first grader has his own place where he will learn lessons and do homework. Create conditions so that he is not distracted by extraneous noises and objects (i.e., away from the TV and computer). PS Parents remember! It was not only the child who went to first grade, but you who went to first grade with him. Be patient if your child misunderstands something, praise him for any successes, and scold him less for failures. Know that the more favorable the first grade is, the better your learning and attitude towards school will be in the future..