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For many, this is a very important question. And this is not surprising. Nowadays it is very easy to get lost among other people’s desires and values ​​that do not suit us. We have the Internet and television, where every day we see pictures of all kinds of happy lives: “A successful person simply needs to buy THIS for himself,” shouts advertising. “A person who wants to get real emotions should go HERE,” assures another travel blogger. We simply get lost in this abundance of advice and outright manipulation of our consciousness. And in some families, from an early age, certain achievements are expected and demanded from the child. As a rule, the finished picture of his future is already painted by his parents in every detail: “You must study only with excellent marks, enroll as a lawyer and get married before 30, always to a rich and successful man.” In such a whirlwind of other people’s desires and expectations, it’s not surprising to get confused and come to the fact that I don’t understand at all what I want from this life. If you are asking this question, then first of all you need to start by defining for yourself what a prosperous and fulfilling life looks like in my own understanding. You need to go through on all basic aspects of my life: - what kind of relationship I see with my parents - what should be the relationship with my children (if any) - relationship with a partner or spouse - relationship with money (how comfortable are you now in this matter) - how are you you see your body, how healthy and well-groomed it is - how you see yourself as a person (maybe you have always wanted to learn something and this thought haunts you) What will I consider a happy life for myself? When I wake up and am happy with what is happening in my life, happy with those who surround me, happy with myself... When I live in gratitude for every day... Start asking yourself questions: Who would I like to change relationships with right now ? What can I do for this? What will be my first steps in this direction? When solving these questions for yourself, try to abandon the generally accepted patterns of happiness and successful success. Try to find what will be comfortable for you. What will make me more joyful and satisfied with myself? In fact, it is not so difficult to find your desires, but it is difficult to start taking the first steps towards achieving them. This causes anxiety, a lot of questions and fears. So start from the very basics. Analyze the general atmosphere of your life. What stresses you out? What points are you not satisfied with? Start smooth changes with them. A person who does not understand what he wants, as a rule, has not yet fulfilled his basic needs. Therefore, it is difficult for him to move on. What will make me happier right now? Don't try to make big changes and set big goals right away. Don't try to immediately discover the meaning of your life. Remove this unnecessary pressure from yourself! For example, you are nervous every day when getting ready for work, because your hallway is inconveniently organized and you lose your keys or gloves. Start by removing this quite common irritating factor from your life - organizing storage of things and convenience in the hallway. Start with what surrounds you every day. And then your life as a whole will gradually change. Thus, I encourage you to start with basic questions to yourself that seem unimportant at first glance. Start with peace within yourself and gradually eliminate the discomfort in what surrounds you. __________________ In conclusion, I will quote a Chinese proverb: “Before you begin to improve the world, look at your own home three times".