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Based on materials from books and CDs by D.A. Treshchev “Through alcoholic madness”, “Dependence on illusions” - You need to quit drinking! - It’s too late for me... - It’s never too late to quit drinking!- A! Then I will always have time... By and large, you cannot directly force an alcoholic to seek treatment. He manipulates and deceives all the time. And he plays.... Since the alcoholic always includes us in his game, why don’t we include the alcoholic in ours? So, three points are needed for a relative of an alcoholic: 1. Absolutely believe that your husband (son, wife) is an alcoholic. Nothing bad will happen if you make a mistake and he stops drinking without being an alcoholic. But if he has alcoholism and you even sometimes doubt it, then you are playing his games and he will die.2. Provide the alcoholic with all the information about alcoholism and effective treatment methods. 3. After a binge, when the alcoholic has the least resistance, conduct a family intervention and force him to go to treatment. Today, a distinction is made between alcoholism and complications of alcoholism. All methods for treating alcohol dependence and complications of alcoholism can be summarized as follows. Treatment of complications of alcohol dependence. Complications of alcoholism include uncomplicated alcohol withdrawal syndrome (hangover, hangover, etc.) and complicated alcohol withdrawal syndrome (with convulsions and psychosis). 1. Interruption and withdrawal from binge drinking. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It is best to carry out treatment in a closed drug treatment department. In healthy patients, you can try it at home. In 3-10 percent, withdrawal syndrome turns into alcoholic psychosis. 20-30 percent of patients who are brought out of binge drinking only with medications begin to drink within the first week, 30 percent within a month. Treatment boils down to the prescription of fluids, tranquilizers and B vitamins. The main thing is to relieve the desire for alcohol and the painful state of insomnia and anxiety. 2. Treatment of withdrawal syndrome with seizures and alcoholic psychoses. Conducted only in closed drug treatment departments. i.e. Treatment in drug treatment departments is not treatment for alcoholism! Treat complications! And not only will they be registered, but they will only relieve the painful condition and that’s it! If you don’t completely eliminate alcohol, these complications will definitely recur and will increase at a catastrophic speed! Treatment of alcohol addiction. On the modern drug treatment market, there are short-term (one-time) and long-term methods of treating alcohol addiction. One-time methods of treating alcoholism. 1. Emotional stress psychotherapy (“coding” according to Dovzhenko, thanatotherapy, time line therapy, reimprinting, pattern breaking, reframing, working with parts, etc.) 2. Implantation (filing) and other methods of administering substances that interact with alcohol (most often disulfiram). 3. Various electro-encephalo-stimulation. Positive aspects of one-time methods for treating alcoholism. a) A small amount of time 1-1.5 hours per patient. b) Low cost. Negative aspects of one-time methods for treating alcohol addiction. a) Inadequate sobriety, since the end of the term is expected. (“They’re dragging out the term,” that’s how it ends, then I’ll break away) They believe that life is not interesting at the present time. Real life will begin when the term ends. b) heavy drinking bouts at the end of the term. (At this point, 50-80 percent of alcoholics are manipulated by the fact that “it’s the code’s fault, “the doctor got into your brain and look what happened”) c) 70-80 percent of addicts, even after 3-5 years of sobriety, do not experience deep personality changes , higher order values ​​are not acquired. d) Due to their short duration and low cost, 50-80 percent of the methods are used by alcoholics for manipulation. Reassure relatives, bosses, etc. That is, solve small problems without solving the main one. d) They work as an anti-virus program at the folder and disk level, without affecting the highest values ​​of a person (does not affect Windows). (Read more about the computer model of alcoholism). The fear thattheir effect is based, weakens over time and therefore these techniques are effective temporarily and only once. If an alcoholic has not drank after this method for half a year and insists on repeating it, most likely this is manipulation and he will start drinking within two months. Efficiency is guaranteed when the work is carried out both at the level of fear - an anti-virus program, which is updated all the time, and at the level of values ​​and spirituality - erasing the illusion of a high from alcohol and receiving pleasure from healthy forms of life. Long-term alcoholism treatment programs. 1. Individual psychotherapy. 1. Group psychotherapy. 2. Alcoholics Anonymous groups (a free alternative for money, but requires an investment of time and effort) Negative points. Long duration of time. High cost (requires a lot of investment of time, money, emotions). Positive moments - happy life. If an alcoholic believes in “coding” or “filing” and sincerely asks to carry them out, then I always agree and carry them out. But remembering that this is only an antivirus program, I strongly recommend not stopping there. Only a “fixed” or “coded” alcoholic is like a computer that has an anti-virus program, but no basic operating system. Extinct, non-working computer... We must learn to live happy. And you can only learn this from those who know how to do it. Or with those who are passionate about learning it. In order to gain initial skills in driving a car, you need an experienced instructor, a group (possible individually, but with a group it is easier) 3-4 months of training and $700-800. Living sober and happy is a more complex skill than driving a car . Learning this in one hour session is a utopia. Where can you acquire this skill? With a psychotherapist, with a priest, in AA groups, (for free) in spiritual literature, with people who are interested in life. At seminars and trainings with those who understand you. We have been conducting such seminars for the tenth year in the mountains of Crimea, in Egypt, in Bali, in Grodno, in Minsk. The topics of the seminars are not only alcohol addiction, but also other addictions and problems. This is learning to live an interesting life. Long-term programs turned out to be the most effective, with mandatory work in the field of spirituality and higher values. And with the constant updating of the anti-virus program - a reminder that he is suffering from a fatal, incurable disease. Insurance companies abroad do not pay for one-time techniques. For our alcoholic, a combination of methods turned out to be effective. For example, “filing” plus group psychotherapy, or “coding” plus visiting Alcoholics Anonymous groups. Our alcoholic at least agreed to something in the beginning... and before we talk about treatment methods, let's talk about... So how to force an alcoholic to go to treatment? The secret to getting an alcoholic to go to treatment is to stop forcing... You must change. Change your behavior. Quit the game that repeats itself year after year. And to do it so abruptly and unusually that... The recipe for getting someone to heal is very simple. In order not to be a victim, you don’t have to take on the role of a rescuer. There is no need to save anyone! Believe me, he can save himself if he wants. And while you are saving him, he doesn’t want to be saved! Don't believe me? Then test. Test for codependency. At two o'clock in the morning the phone rings and the police report that your husband (son) has been detained in a state of intoxication. They tell you that if you don’t pick him up, he will be in the police station until the morning. Your actions? 1.Abandon two small children, spend your last money on a taxi and rush to save them? 2. Tell the policeman over the phone that your husband (son) is an adult and responsible person and he will solve his problem himself. And ask the policeman not to call again at night, since you have small children and you have to get up at six o’clock in the morning. If you act on the first point, then you are sick with codependency. You don't care about your husband (son). You care about his illness. You support his alcoholism. Yes, yes...that's right...Next time when your.