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From the author: A technique that will lead you to an explosion of imagination and help you solve any problem. SCAMPER is a scheme for asking questions that stimulate the emergence of new ideas. The SCAMPER technique is based on the observation that everything is new modification of an existing one. Each letter in this acronym represents a different method by which you can work with the characteristics of the problem. S = Substitute C = Combine A = Adapt M = Modify/Magnify P = Put to Other Uses (suggest another use) E = Eliminate (remove, eliminate or reduce the action to a minimum) R = Rearrange (or Reverse) (turn over, reverse, change order) Before applying the SCAMPER scheme, clearly define the problem you want to solve , or an idea you want to develop. It can be anything: a problem in your personal life, in business, a product, process, service that you would like to improve. After identifying the problem, you ask questions on this topic using the SCAMPER questioning scheme. A classic example is this example McDonald's founder Ray Kroc. Assessing past events, it is now easy to identify many of his ideas, considering them within the framework of the SCAMPER scheme: selling restaurants and other real estate, not just hamburgers [P = (Put to other uses), other uses]; prepayment system – pay first, then eat [R=(Rearrange), change order]; use of a self-service system - there is no need for waiters [E=(Eliminate), elimination] - and these are just some aspects. SCAMPER Scheme Here you will find an accessible guide to using the SCAMPER scheme. There are over 60 questions to ask yourself and about 200 words to help you make associations. REPLACE Think about how to replace part of a problem, product, or process with something else. Finding a replacement often leads to new ideas. You may be looking for replacements for things, places, processes, patterns, people, ideas, and even emotions. Questions: Can I replace or change any parts? Can I replace the people involved? Can I change the accepted rules? Can I use different ingredients or materials? Can I change the shape? Can I change the color, surface, sound or smell? What if I change the name? Can I replace one part with another? Can I take this idea in another direction? Can I change how I feel or feel about it? Trigger words: change, exchange, temporary substitution, substitute, release, rename, repackage, replace, reposition, set aside, shape, substitute, substitute, swap, switch, take place . COMBINE Consider combining two or more parts of your problem to create a completely new product or to enhance their interaction. For the most part, creative thinking involves combining pre-existing unrelated ideas, products, services to create something completely new. Questions: What ideas or parts of ideas can be combined? Can I combine the end goals of each part? Can I combine or fuse this task with other objects? What needs to be combined to maximize the application possibilities? What materials can be combined? Can different abilities be combined to get what you want? Trigger words: combine, fuse together, mix, combine, create a coalition, collect into one whole, attach, mix, join, connect, complete, correlate, unite. ADAPT Think about how to adapt existing ideas to new problems. Perhaps a solution to your problem already exists. Remember that all new ideas and solutions are borrowed to some extent from the existing body of knowledge. Questions: What is this like? Is there something similar to this, but with a different connotation? Have I had similar cases in the past? What others ideasdoes this situation offer? What can I copy, borrow or steal to help me? Who can I imitate in this case? Whose ideas can be useful to me? What schemes can be adapted to suit my purposes? With what other implications can my concept be presented? What ideas from other areas can be applied? Trigger words: Adapt, adapt, find an alternative, adapt, get acquainted, connect, change, correlate, copy, borrow, apply, master, find your style, correspond, get used to, incorporate, bring into an appropriate form, correlate, modify, modernize, replay, test, evaluate, rework, establish, transform, vary.MODIFY (Modify) Think about how you can exaggerate or modify your ideas. Modifying or exaggerating your ideas can increase their final value or give you new perspective on the most important parts of your concept. Questions: What can be modified or increased? What can be exaggerated or developed? What can be made higher, larger or stronger? Can Do I increase the frequency? What can be duplicated? Is it possible to make multiple copies?Can I add additional characteristics or add additional value to my concept?Trigger words: apply, increase, add, intensify, expand, spread, expand, enhance, multiply, intensify, lengthen, make more important, impart more importance, exaggerate, accentuate, elevate, make stronger.SUGGEST ANOTHER APPLICATION Think about what new uses you could find for your current idea, or think about which of the previously used methods you could use to solve your current problem. It often happens that one idea is perfectly applicable to solve many more problems than previously thought. Questions: What else can it be used for? Can it be applied to other people, not just those to whom it was previously intended to be applied ?How would a child use this idea? Old man?Are there other ways to apply this idea in its current form?Are there other ways to apply this idea in a modified form?If I knew nothing about this idea before, would I be able to determine its purpose?Can I apply this idea to other markets or in other areas of production? Trigger words: abuse, apply, make available, behave in a certain way, benefit, put into action, use, consume, engage, exercise, amuse, exhaust, expand, develop, figure out, perform, make more convenient, benefit from, manage, manipulate, operate, rearrange, spend, take advantage of, enjoy, handle (with), process, deal with (with), dispose of. REMOVE (eliminate, reduce to a minimum) Think about what would happen if you eliminated or minimized some parts of your concept, idea or development. Simplify, reduce or eliminate some components. By regularly shaking up ideas, objects, patterns of action, you will gradually narrow the spectrum of problems to one or a few that are most important. Questions: How can I simplify my problem (idea)? What parts can be removed without distorting the overall context? What is ridiculous or unnecessary? Is it possible to get rid of some rules? What if I make it smaller? What characteristics can be downplayed or suppressed? Should I divide the problem (idea) into several parts? Can I make it more compact or smaller? Trigger words: destroy, abolish, cancel, control, curb, destroy, ignore, put an end to, eradicate, exclude, remove, expel, destroy, exterminate, get rid of, kill, suppress, limit, liquidate, reduce, model, ignore, reduce, cleanse, throw away, move, remove, shorten, simplify, make quieter, shift (reduce) emphasis, waste,/