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Express diagnosis of excess weight at the link: https://www.b17.ru/article/316762/Hunger is a friend, not an enemy, following the saying “Hunger is not your aunt, but your own mother.” It manifests itself at the level of the stomach, as it begins to suck in this area, discomfort occurs, the level of performance decreases, fatigue appears, and sometimes slight dizziness. The above is considered a physiological norm, since at a certain time the body is accustomed to producing pancreatic juice for the purpose of processing food. Therefore, it is necessary to live by the rule - if there is a certain daily nutrition schedule and portion volume, then the body adapts to the owner and “rings the alarm clock”, demanding to recharge at the set time and with the required portion. This is the norm when a feeling of hunger wakes up at certain periods of time. Appetite is a person’s feeling that he has an irresistible desire for something. This manifestation speaks of the psychological problems of the owner - an appetite for something, but not for food (for example, communication, love, sex, spirituality, positive emotions through pleasure), and this needs to be consciously worked out! That is, a person lacks taste in life, and he eats, but the body is not ready to properly process food at this moment. Sometimes it happens that appetite appears for specific food products (which stimulate the appetite - beautiful, tasty, with a pleasant smell, beautifully served or presented in good company). It is important to understand the essence of your overeating by analyzing the motives for the behavior of your subpersonalities. So, “I-Child” inside a person says: “I want and will eat, I love to eat!” (the appetite for desires lives in this subpersonality); “I am a Parent”: “You need to limit yourself in food, how can you eat so much and be so fat?” As a result, suppression of the Child by the Parent arises based on feelings of guilt and its suppression. This results in an even greater development of psychological problems in oneself or their cultivation, because it is difficult to retrain a Parent - he has life experience, but it is possible to retrain a Child. To do this, you need to nourish the child with new knowledge about yourself and programs for your own sake. Choose the correct position “I am an Adult”. It is polar, it comes through forgiveness and self-acceptance, permission, which are given to oneself in the name of living in harmony, and not existence: “I can change my eating behavior because I love myself, and I take responsibility for changes for the better, which means , to harmony and emotional stability, leading to harmony!” At the same time, we keep in mind the rule - food from hunger is always burned, and food from appetite is stored in the body as a reserve in the form of fat deposits. Express diagnosis of the true motives of appetite (according to the method of Marina Raymond). Take a sheet of paper, place it horizontally on the table , visually divide it into two halves from top to bottom. Next, imagine your image in the present moment and draw yourself in the form of a circle with a black marker on the left side of the sheet. Let’s sign the circle inside – “I”. Now let’s think about our appetite and draw it with a black marker in the form of a circle on the right side of the sheet at a short distance from the previous circle. Let's sign it - “My appetite.” Let's analyze the images and sensations when drawing according to the questions: Which figure is larger and why? How do they relate to each other in size? Is there a state of comfort in this? And discomfort? Now try to take a felt-tip pen and draw a relationship using the infinity sign - from one circle “I” to another - “My appetite”. Let’s circle and return to ourselves again and draw a neuroline of the infinity sign or “lying figure eight” between the figures several times. At this time, you need to listen to yourself and try to get an answer from the subconscious. And the questions for this will be: How are the figures interconnected with each other? Why is there such a relationship and what underlies it? Who or what influences the other - you on appetite or appetite for you? We circle the figures several times and try to “hear” the inner voice.