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From the author: The article reflects the results of the joint work of a speech therapist and a psychologist in the practice of using methods of play psychocorrection with children with psycho-speech disorders, on the basis of a compensatory kindergarten (Moscow ). The state educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 2007 in the city of Moscow has a correctional focus, and is attended by children with speech pathology. In particular, these are children diagnosed with: general speech underdevelopment (GSD), mental retardation (MSD). The child needs constant and special attention from specialists: speech therapists, educational psychologists, speech pathologists, physical education instructors, additional education teachers, music directors. The practice of our work shows that it is an integrated approach that gives positive results in working on problem areas in a child’s development. During the period of preschool childhood (4-6 years), the foundations of a child’s personal position are laid, and intellectual and moral self-regulation arises. During the preschool period, the child continues to develop speech, increase his vocabulary, form his own position in relationships with peers and adults, and develop his imagination. It is very important that the child himself does not attach a “tragic” meaning to his characteristics, so that he has a firm position in relationships with people and is emotionally stable. All this is necessary for the child to pass favorably into the next age period - school. But development, most often, goes in an individual direction, and not all children have the opportunity to do “as it should”, to do “like everyone else”. A preschooler's learning occurs through play. A doll helps make the game more interesting. Puppet therapy is a means of achieving the main goal: to develop a preschooler’s speech, creative imagination, thinking, and learn to regulate one’s behavior. Thus, it becomes relevant to develop a correctional program for kindergarten that will allow the child to overcome emerging communication difficulties that hinder his further development. We also note that the problem of correcting emotional and personal development is especially relevant in relation to children with deviations in psycho-speech development, as well as children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. The task of teachers is to help children painlessly assimilate the moral experience that they will acquire in the process of playing with a doll, to teach children correlate your emotions and character with the character (doll), focus on socially significant norms in behavior, increase personal self-regulation. Currently, there is an increase in the number of children whose mental development lags to one degree or another behind the age norm. Children have a reduced memory capacity, verbal-logical thinking lags behind, while visual-figurative thinking is less impaired, and speech is significantly behind the norm. As a result, intellectual functions are formed with a delay. Such children have a history of hypoxia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hyperactivity syndromes, disinhibition, etc. All these phenomena later become one of the causes of deprivation and difficulties in interacting with peers. The consequences and most characteristic features of the deprivation syndrome are fears, depression, neuroses. Taking into account the specifics of the population of children, it was necessary to find means and methods for correcting disorders in children (behavior, speech, emotional-volitional, intellectual spheres): - psychotherapeutic effects associated with muscle relaxation , relieving psycho-emotional stress, creating an environment of trust and acceptance, instilling the desired mood; - psychotherapeutic effects associated with the organization of group interaction of children - puppet therapy: conversations, games based on the plot of a folk tale. Reflection in play with a doll of the child’s moral experience and the possibilities of his self-regulation; - speech development, which makes it possible to compensate for shortcomings in communication. Correctionaldevelopmental work should contain the following tasks: - reducing tension associated with anxiety, timidity and affectivity; - developing new constructive ways of behavior in difficult situations for the child: mastering verbal and non-verbal means of establishing and maintaining contact, forming new experience of relationships, self-control; - increasing child's self-confidence, development of self-acceptance and acceptance of others. Puppet therapy as part of play therapy has great potential in working with children in order to prevent maladaptive behavior. Such correction, as noted by researchers (A.I. Zakharov, 1986; A. Spivakovskaya, 1988, Osipova A, 2003, etc.), is achieved by acting out typical conflict situations in which children find themselves on dolls in pairs with parents or peers. The doll is of particular importance for the personal development of children. Thanks to the will and imagination of the child, she “behaves” exclusively in the way that her owner needs at the moment. The child experiences with his doll all the events of his own and others’ lives in all emotional and moral manifestations accessible to his understanding. There are several aspects of doll therapy used in working with children. The diagnostic aspect. In combination with psychological diagnostic methods, puppet therapy provides objective material for clinical and family diagnostics and assessment of individual abilities. This aspect includes the demonstration of problems and conflicts that were previously not recognized or obscured by other symptoms, followed by their verbalization and the formation of an attitude towards active resolution of identified deviations. Cathartic aspect. The reaction of subconscious affects and complexes in children occurs during their presence as spectators at a performance, the content of which reflects typical age-related problems in a dramatic or tragic form. The metaphorical nature of the stage action, inherent in the very specifics of the puppet show, facilitates the child’s transfer of his internal experiences to a symbolic object according to previously learned mechanisms. Behavioral aspect. Desensitization of the impaired reaction to public speaking is achieved through systematic rehearsals. For example, during rehearsals for a puppet theater performance when correcting neurotic stuttering, the screen is gradually lowered to a lower level, to the point that, ultimately, the child working with the doll finds himself separated from the audience only by a frame. By acting out scenes related to a situation that provokes a pathological reaction, making dolls and masks depicting frightening characters and images, children de-actualize the emotions they evoke and prepare for functional training in real conditions of their manifestation. Due to repeated repetition, play in a puppet theater, rich in positive emotions, allows ensure the consolidation and automation of previously learned behavioral skills. Correction of protest, oppositional, demonstrative, anti-disciplinary and other forms of deviant behavior is achieved by acting out typical conflict situations taken from the lives of children themselves in pairs with a peer or parent. The effect of a “psychotherapeutic mirror”, accompanied by a critical attitude towards one’s own deviant actions, is enhanced by giving the sketches a genre form (grotesque, satire, farce). Changing roles to the opposite, discussing effective and ineffective reinforcements can be harmoniously, without moralizing, accompanied by an analysis of the internal content of the conflict. The patterns of formation of a creative team create the prerequisites for abandoning pathological behavioral cliches, harmonizing the characterological structure, acquiring informal communication skills and cooperation with children and their parents. Educational and developmental aspect. Without being directly aimed at eliminating specific symptoms and resolving the psychogenic mechanisms of the disorder,this aspect is aimed at dysontogenetic manifestation in the form of general or partial immaturity of the personality or individual mental properties. Nurturing feelings through works specially written for these purposes, getting to know them, getting used to the images of heroes in the process of staging forms kindness, responsibility, empathy, pity, and a sense of justice. This, in turn, helps prevent the occurrence of the disorder or its relapse. An important educational point is the formation and satisfaction of the creative needs of children, based on their individual abilities and socially positive qualities identified in the diagnostic process. Reactions associated with participation in the work of a puppet theater compensate for dissatisfaction in other areas of life and compete with deviant forms of children's pathocharacterological reactions. Correctional and pedagogical aspect. Puppet therapy has a positive effect on the development of imaginative thinking, creative imagination, internal and external speech, cognitive activity, attention, memory, switchability, fine motor skills, sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, etc. Classes with dolls are based on didactic principles, which allows children to master skills accounts, writing, reading. Suggestive aspect. The use of a doll as an object through which indirect suggestion is carried out is most relevant and effective in early and preschool age. A mandatory requirement when using it as a carrier of correctional suggestion is the preservation of the magical meaning, which excludes the use of this doll for its direct play purpose, as well as the parents’ belief in the reality of the puppet hero. Teachers and psychologists (Vygotsky L.S., Rubinstein S.L., Elkonin D.B.) noted that in a game it is not the result that is important, but the process of experiences associated with game actions, although the situations played out by the child, the feelings he experiences, are quite real, and thus the game contains great educational opportunities, and roles and rules can contribute to the development of personal qualities of its participants. Puppet therapy is a unique experience for the social development of a child, giving him the opportunity to engage in meaningful personal connections with adults and other children. In such games, children are socialized, positive interpersonal relationships develop, and children become more adequately adapted. A child with psycho-speech disorders has difficulty working independently. Due to the fact that the child has impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to the sound and semantic aspects, he requires the help of a teacher and his orientation. Such children usually have functional or organic abnormalities in the central nervous system. The presence of organic brain damage means that these children cannot tolerate heat, stuffiness, riding in public transport, swinging for long periods of time, and they often complain of headaches, nausea and dizziness. Many of them exhibit various motor disorders: imbalance, coordination of movements, undifferentiated movements of fingers and articulatory movements. Such children quickly become exhausted and become satiated with any type of activity, i.e. get tired quickly during the day. They are characterized by irritability, increased excitability, motor disinhibition, cannot sit quietly, fidget with something in their hands, dangle their legs, etc. They are emotionally unstable, their mood changes quickly. Mood disorders often occur with manifestations of aggression, obsession, and anxiety. They experience slowness and lethargy much less often. These children get tired quite quickly, and fatigue affects the child’s general behavior and well-being. This may manifest itself in increased headaches, sleep disturbances, lethargy, or, conversely, increased physical activity. It is difficult for such children to maintain perseverance, efficiency and voluntary attention throughout classes. Their motordisinhibition can be expressed in the fact that they show motor restlessness while sitting in class, they can get up, walk around the kindergarten group, or run out into the corridor. During rest and play, children are overly excitable and do not respond to comments. As a rule, such children have instability of attention and memory, especially speech, a low level of understanding of verbal instructions, insufficiency of the regulatory function of speech, a low level of control over their own activities, impaired cognitive activity , low mental performance. The mental state of these children is unstable, and therefore their performance changes dramatically. During the period of psychosomatic well-being, such children can achieve quite high results in the assimilation of knowledge. Children with functional deviations in the state of the central nervous system are emotionally reactive, easily give neurotic reactions and even disorders in response to a remark or disrespectful attitude from the teacher and children. Their behavior may be characterized by negativism, increased excitability, aggression, or, on the contrary, increased shyness, indecisiveness, and timidity. The classes include a variety of techniques for activating various components of creativity, which allows children to develop imagination and thinking. Expanding the motor experience of children is the most important condition for compensating for deficiencies in the intellectual and motor areas of development. Since children with ODD are characterized by impulsiveness, psychomotor disinhibition, but at the same time they are timid, they often have a low mood background. In this situation, it is important to support the child, help him realize his shortcomings and strengths, and accept himself. Compliance with norms of behavior, thanks to constant positive support and feedback from an adult, begins to be perceived by the child as something positive in itself and a prerequisite for relationships with others. Specialists of the state educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 2007 use the role-playing method in working with children with psycho-speech developmental disorders games using dolls, puppet theater. The selection of roles takes into account the behavioral characteristics of specific children. Children are given the opportunity to understand the conditional circumstances set by the plot of a folk tale, deal with their personal problems, gain new experience in relationships, and understand polar moral concepts. Children are given the opportunity to experiment with the plot of a fairy tale; they can add something to the storyline, change the character of the hero at will, or change the ending of a familiar fairy tale. Thus, we achieve the improvement and development of emotions in the game, the development of dialogic speech, the emergence of internal self-regulation in behavior. Based on the accumulated experience of working with children with speech pathology, an educational psychologist and a speech therapist teacher at the State Educational Institution Compensatory Kindergarten No. 2007 prepared the “Logo” program -psychological development of classes for the development of dialogical speech in children of senior preschool age through puppet therapy.” Over the course of two years, more than 90 children, mostly of senior preschool age, attending the State Educational Institution compensatory kindergarten No. 2007 participated in the process of approbation of the program. As a result of the work carried out, Children, personally and cognitively, have undergone significant changes. Those children who were designated by us as having difficulties in communication, children with ODD levels 2 and 3, showed the following successes as a result of repeated diagnostics: adaptation in these children was completed more successfully than their peers, dialogical speech was formed at a high level in more than half pupils. Based on the results of the correction, we carried out a diagnostic test, which showed significant improvements in the emotional and personal development of children. Children's tension, anxiety and timidity decreased, self-esteem, faith in their own capabilities and confidence in relationships with peers and adults increased. In subsequent classes, in the kindergarten group,, 1980.