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At a group on the topic of studying the element “TIME,” I highlighted seven points, attention to which will allow you to spend precious, non-renewable life time more productively and meaningfully.1. In order to live productively, you need to live consciously, that is, live not according to a schedule, energy, plan, but make your conscious choices every minute. Let them be basic: what will I eat and what will I want to be in. I know that many women ignore their eating habits to please their children and husbands. But it's not right. We should be able to do what we want, eat what we want, wear what we want today. Even the question: to wear makeup or not is also a matter of choice. When we begin to ask ourselves what we want, how we want, we begin to think about our needs. Some people immediately have desires, while others have them blocked, because the person is used to living to please others, fulfilling other people’s desires. When we begin to ask ourselves, what do I really want, then we begin to get closer to our essence. And when we live to our liking, at our core, then we can honestly refuse, if we don’t want to go, for example, to the cinema or theater, we can cook a separate dish for ourselves or buy something that only we eat (for example, in In my family, I'm the only one who eats avocados and olives; I often have both in my refrigerator). In a conscious life there is no time left for empty dialogues, watching uninteresting films, communicating with those who have not aroused sympathy for a long time. And it’s not a childish position to do only what I love. There are things that need to be done, such as everyday life, work, communication with government agencies, etc. But we choose this today because there is a need. It is very important to understand the difference between: I choose a routine matter because I want to get a foreign passport, or I must (obliged) go to the MFC. Regarding routine tasks, there are ways to turn any household task into a pleasant pastime. For example, I always listen to lectures or audio books while cooking (or in transport). So, a conscious life = a productive life, and therefore productively used life time. 2. Whoever says that simultaneous tasks speed up the work process, this is not entirely true. It is important to understand one trick here. The important point of simultaneous tasks is that we perform them sequentially, and preferably without being distracted by them during the work process. For example, you can start the washing mode and immerse yourself in intellectual work for 2 hours. Then the machine will call us, and we will do two things: we wrote the articles, washed the clothes, hung them up. If you want to work productively without errors and rework, you need to increase your level of concentration, and this is impossible if you are constantly distracted by a hundred things. Choose two simultaneous tasks or three, but no more. So, simultaneous tasks slow down the work process, turning life into chaos, sequential execution of tasks brings us closer to productivity. 3. Concentration. To live and work productively, you need to throw yourself into your business. Here again I recommend to everyone the book “FLOW” by Csikszentmihalyi M. Also, concentration of attention is closely related to the trance experience (which I practice in psychological work). Trance is the direction of attention inward, into your body, into your psyche, into your biofield, into the soul (you can choose options for interacting with yourself). When we learn to go into trance, we learn to concentrate our attention on something, for example, on our main problem that the client came with. When we analyze a client’s problem, we immerse ourselves in it with all our attention, thereby finding different points of exit from it. In my understanding, any psychotherapy is associated with a trance state, only many psychological methods do not talk about this or use different terminology. Concentration improves the quality of work and speeds up the process of doing something. 4. It is important to regularly direct energy and strength to something that fills the soul. It is very important to realize6