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From the author: Article for parents Recently I asked myself an atypical question for parents: how NOT to raise an excellent student? The search engine returned 250 thousand answers about how to make a child an excellent student, but on the contrary - not a single one! “The excellent student (or excellent student) syndrome is the inherent property of some children and adults to exaggerate their capabilities, idealize them, while focusing on a certain pattern of behavior.” Are these children happy? Big question... After all, all their strength is spent on experiencing the lack of praise or criticism, on the fear that they will not do a good enough job, on being demanding of themselves and others. So, how do they become excellent students: 1. Parents give rewards to the child in the form of a grade. Done, did, did - “Well done!” And then the child learns that he is good only when he has done everything well, correctly.2. It’s worth mentioning here about the exaggeration of achievements when a child is praised without reason. “How great you are at holding a spoon!”, “How beautifully you draw,” “You are the most beautiful in the world.”3. Parenting when the child has no right to make mistakes. And then children begin to avoid activities, because “I won’t succeed anyway.”4. Often parents themselves create conditions so that the child does not encounter obstacles by performing difficult activities for him, help him avoid difficulties, teach him how to avoid difficult situations, thereby depriving the child of his own experience of failure, which will be very useful to them in later life.5. Children are an extension of their parents. Especially parental expectations and ideas. And then the children attend three additional sections, as well as a music and art school. And parents have something to be “proud of” in front of their friends and relatives. And nothing is forgotten that the child is a separate person, that early intellectual development impoverishes the emotional sphere of the child, that the child does not have time for such typical activities as play or communication with peers.6. And most importantly, the parents devalue the child’s experiences. After all, such an ideal, beautiful child, the pride of the family, simply does not have the right to be angry, to express his anger, to be offended, to cry, to be irritated. What should parents do who do not want to raise an excellent student? - First, allow the child to be bad and get different grades. - Stop comparing your child with others, even if this comparison is in favor of your baby. - Let your child feel that your love for him does not depend on the grades he receives. - Admit your mistakes and failures. Tell your child about your different experiences. They are not afraid to lose in front of the child. - Allow the child to experience different emotions and feelings and start with yourself in this regard…