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Family plays a key role in the development and formation of children's mental health. Interactions and dynamics within families have a profound impact on children's emotional well-being and psychological functioning. Many studies show that the quality of the family environment, the degree of support and interaction with parents, as well as the presence of conflicts and stressful situations in the family can significantly influence the mental health of children. One of the factors that has a significant impact on the mental health of children is the quality of parental care and support. Children who receive emotional support, affection, and care from their parents have higher self-esteem, cope better with stress, and have greater emotional stability. Interactions with parents that are based on warmth, empathy, and understanding promote emotional security in children, which in turn contributes to their mental well-being. However, adverse family dynamics, including violence, conflict between parents, unwanted divorces, and lack of emotional support, can have a negative impact serious negative impact on children's mental health. Children exposed to such stressful situations may experience anxiety, depression, increased aggression, and problems communicating with peers. These emotional and behavioral problems can accompany children into later life, negatively impacting their social adaptation and academic and career success. An important aspect of family dynamics is the quality of communication between family members. Open and effective communication promotes understanding and resolution of conflicts, as well as creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust. Children who are able to freely express their thoughts and feelings and actively participate in family discussions develop healthier emotion regulation strategies and improve their communication skills. In addition, the role of parental modeling needs to be mentioned. Children observe and imitate their parents' behavior, so positive parental behavior models can have a significant positive impact on children's mental health. For example, demonstrating determination, adequate stress management, and the ability to communicate constructively in family relationships can help children develop these vital skills. It is also important to consider the extent to which children interact with siblings. The quality of sibling relationships can have a significant impact on children's mental health. Support, cooperation, sharing, and compromise in sibling family relationships contribute to the development of social skills and self-esteem in children. Research also points to the importance of establishing stability in the family environment. Unpredictability and instability in the family, such as moves, frequent changes in relationships or rules, can cause stress in children and have a negative impact on their mental health. A stable and supportive family environment, based on clear rules and regular rhythms, promotes emotional stability and the development of adaptive stress management strategies in children. In conclusion, research confirms that family dynamics play an important role in shaping children's mental health. The quality of parental care, support and communication, as well as sibling relationships, modeling positive behavior and establishing a stable family environment can all have both positive and negative effects on children's emotional well-being. Sincerely, Your Therapist, Coach, interpersonal relationship consultant, Kamila Pozdnyakova.