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How to remove the “crown of celibacy”. Tatyana came to me for a consultation. A beautiful girl of twenty-eight years old. She cannot get married. Everything is an apartment, a car, an education, a position, but there is no happiness! Tatyana is very beautiful, her voice is pleasant. But all the misfortune of the World is painted on the face. Let's start the conversation. “Do you want to get married?” I ask. “Very much!” Tatyana answers. “Mother is already leaving the world!” Says the crown of celibacy is on me. No man is looking. We've already visited all the grandmothers and healers. Nobody can take it off!” I felt sorry for the client! Her mother, wishing her daughter well, drives her into a psychological dead end. It would seem that leave the child alone and everything will work out! Not everything in this World depends on us. “Why is your mother so concerned about your marriage?” I ask. “She is ashamed that I am unmarried. He says the neighbors are laughing. That no one needs me!” - the client answers. Let's consider what happens to us when we are scolded, and this is exactly what Tatyana's mother does. Our body contracts, as if in anticipation of a blow. If swearing and scandals continue day after day, we slouch - this is simply a protective reaction of the body. Tatyana has a pronounced stoop. She constantly tries to pull her head into her shoulders. Posture deteriorates and naturally, the person becomes less attractive. Emotions. If you live in an atmosphere of constant pressure, negative experiences can lead you to depression or neurosis. Which also does not contribute to personal and especially family happiness. Logic. The constant repetition of negative phrases plays the role of a psychological attitude. This is a kind of negative affirmation or a negative life scenario, which in this case the mother imposes on her daughter. The most important thing in this situation is to understand that it is not up to us where and when we meet our spouse. And don't put pressure on the person by blaming him or her for not being able to find a partner. You need to take into account the circumstances in which a person finds himself, and not dictate your will to him. All this taken together is the very “crown of celibacy” that neither grandmothers nor healers can remove! Of course, this is a very simplified diagram, but it is suitable for independent work! We begin to remove the “crown of celibacy”! 1. Focus on the “Body” level and begin to breathe as follows: take a slow and deep breath through the nose, and exhale, pursing your lips in a tube, as if extinguishing the candles on a cake. As we inhale, we imagine that our body is filled with beauty and attractiveness, and as we exhale, we blow out everything negative from the level of the body that prevents us from meeting our happiness. Repeat the inhale-exhale cycle at least 5 times. 2. We focus on the level of “Emotion” and begin to breathe as follows: we take a slow and deep breath through the nose, and exhale, pursing our lips in a tube, as if extinguishing the candles on a cake. As we inhale, we imagine that our emotions are filled with positivity, and as we exhale, we blow out everything negative from the level of emotions that prevents us from meeting our happiness. Repeat the inhalation-exhalation cycle at least 5 times. 3. Focus on the “Logic” level and begin to breathe as follows: take a slow and deep breath through your nose, and exhale, pursing your lips like a tube, as if extinguishing the candles on a cake. As we inhale, we imagine that our logic is filled with positive attitudes that help us create a family, and as we exhale, we blow away from the level of logic everything negative that prevents us from finding our happiness. Repeat the inhalation-exhalation cycle at least 5 times 4. Focus on the “Time” level and begin to breathe as follows: take a slow and deep breath through your nose, and exhale, pursing your lips like a tube, as if extinguishing the candles on a cake. As we inhale, we imagine that our future is filled with love and happiness, and as we exhale, we blow out from the level of the future everything negative that prevents us from meeting this happiness. Repeat the inhale-exhale cycle at least 5 times. How do you feel now? What do you think about your happiness? What do you think about the “crown of celibacy”? Do this exercise for at least 21 days. Write down your impressions every day. This,!