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From the author: "Esoteric Ekaterinburg" 2010. The mystery of eternal youth has haunted people for many millennia. With the development of science and medicine, many tools and technologies have been invented to slow down the aging process. However, this has not increased the number of centenarians in the world. Do we know about the existence of at least one immortal person? This seems fantastic. But if you look at the question from the other side, then the impossible will seem possible... Ali Bislimov, from his own experience, compared two approaches to the issue of longevity and eternal youth: traditional medical and non-traditional oriental, associated with working with energy. Why do people in the East live longer and look younger? Because in eastern countries great attention has always been paid to working with energy. Ali has been studying Eastern knowledge for many years and uses it in rejuvenation programs. Now Ali, the head of the Institute of Human Rejuvenation and Longevity, a master of revitalization, qigong, and figure correction, has students throughout the Ural region. Obviously, his methods bring results. PROBLEMS LIE IN THE SOUL AND CONSCIOUSNESS - Revitalization and rejuvenation are the same thing? - “Revitalization” (re - back, vita - life) means “return to life”. This term refers to techniques for rejuvenating the body at the level of cells, subtle bodies, and DNA. We can safely say: a person has the ability to rejuvenate to puberty and live there for thousands of years. And maybe more. Whoever wants (smiles). -What is the reason for aging? -We are created in the image and likeness of God, and the divine nature is perfect. The human body, therefore, must also be perfect - this is the original design, without flaws. But being initially healthy, for some reason in the course of life a person begins to become sick and grow old. Although aging is a relative concept. Old man is different from old man. Passport age does not always correspond to biological age. For some people, the aging process goes faster, and even in youth they may have chronic diseases. The more “sickness” a person absorbs, the faster the aging process occurs. If we look at the causes of health problems, then in addition to well-known factors, the processes occurring in a person’s soul and consciousness, in other words, on a subtle level, come to the fore. The fact is that a person lives in a society in which he is influenced by many factors : ecology, nutrition, relationships with other people, etc. A person accepts the stereotypes accepted in his environment associated with the concept of age. In the collective unconscious there are ideas about what a young, mature, old person should look like. The subconscious mind lets these stereotypes pass into itself, that is, a person comes to terms with the fact that at such and such an age he will become old. This is considered normal. It is as if a person signs an agreement with himself that in due time he will become an old man. In addition, the concept of old age is associated with all sorts of ailments, poor functioning, inability to take care of oneself, limited communication with the world - these are also stereotypes. Another reason is the accumulation of garbage energy-information programs in the soul and consciousness. If we compare a person with a biological computer, we will see programs that conflict with each other or are completely unrealized. But life force is spent on them! There is a loss of power, the resource of vital force melts. As a result, the body becomes most vulnerable when interacting with the outside world. The accumulation of garbage ballast interferes with the normal passage of energy and natural forces. This is how we can look at the mechanism of aging. We must understand that in addition to the body, there is a soul and spirit. The body is the material carrier of human consciousness. The spirit is that which is from God, it is invulnerable, it cannot be changed. The spirit has only one need - to manifest itself. He has the highest qualities: divineconsciousness, divine will, divine love, absolute freedom, clairvoyance, omnipotence. The soul is a subtle body, the energetic shell of the spirit; it, like a blotter, absorbs all impressions, everything that we think, love, feel. Problems for a person arise from the increase in disharmony and the accumulation of negative energy-informational programs in the subtle body. They say that the body is a projection of consciousness. The spirit acts as a projector, the soul acts as a film, and the body is a large mirror-monitor, which reflects what we have collected into the soul. EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Are there really people who live for a thousand years? Why does no one know about them? -Examples of longevity are described in myths, legends, and ancient books. For example, the biblical prophet Methuselah lived more than 800 years. Of course, such people exist, but it is quite difficult to find them in our real life. When a person lives for a long time, people who know him gradually leave, and the new social circle lives in the likeness of the old one, while a long-liver, as his spiritual development progresses, changes his system of values. If for an ordinary person, unlike an animal being, self-expression is important in society (the need to be significant, recognized by other people, to have different social statuses), then as his consciousness evolves throughout his long life, he comes to the realization that he is part of the Universe, the planet, humanity. His need to be manifested in the world disappears. Being significant among ordinary people is no longer relevant for him. He simply exists, he simply lives and enjoys life, he has enough outlets for the application of his life force than walking around with a poster “I am a great master” or “I am enlightened.” People driven by curiosity will simply interfere with his life. For people with a lower level of awareness, much of it will be incomprehensible; they will ask stupid questions like “how did you manage to live so long?” As consciousness develops, a person strives for solitude from the world of ordinary people. He prefers not to be noticed; he already has a lot to do. He can apply his knowledge and achievements in other areas: in the sphere of the collective unconscious, in the sphere of harmonization of external space. Here he reaches the levels of interactions “me and the city”, “me and the country”, “me and the planet”, “me and the Universe”. There is no place for an ordinary person to fit in here. The master himself chooses with whom he communicates. He can live in a cave, in the mountains, in the forest, in the desert - anywhere. In general, he does his job for the benefit of people, for the benefit of the evolution of human consciousness. The level of spiritual development of such masters leads to the fact that space itself begins to take care of them, giving them everything they need for life. There are no more worries about where to get food. A person can feed on spatial energy (pranic nutrition); his energy-information system is capable of receiving the energy necessary to maintain life directly from space. The body learns to independently produce vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and other substances. Essentially, this is a return to paradise...Man has many superpowers, and longevity is one of them. The revelation of superpowers, the manifestation of all divine qualities, self-knowledge at all levels, the desire to live long and be healthy - these are all the desires of God. This is godly. But this takes time, and the amount of time we live is not enough. A tree grows for a thousand years, so are you less valuable than the tree? Why can't you live and grow like this for a thousand years? Because a person uses the time he lives in the world irrationally. Time is wasted on things that neither the body, nor the spirit, nor the soul need. “PLASTICINE” STRUCTURE - It’s hard to call them my own. Everything that is known in our world is the fruit of the labor of people who lived before us. As they say, there is nothing new under the sun. In general, thoughts do not belong to a person. We experience, comprehend, realize the thoughts voiced by other people. Throughout the history of mankind there have been masters whofor thousands of years, they stored and transmitted knowledge that at different times appeared in the world in accordance with the level of development of human consciousness of a particular era. Knowledge must be adequate to the world, that is, simple, effective, and safe. We are providing such knowledge at the present time. But it cannot be said that this is my knowledge or my teacher’s, or my teacher’s teacher’s. I became familiar with it as a result of my life’s searches. Being a doctor, I began to wonder why some people get sick and others don’t, why some wounds heal faster and others slower. I began to look for methods to increase the body's defenses, studied Eastern medicine, various methods of cleansing the body, stimulating the immune system, regulating the metabolic system, as well as energy components, vitamin-amino acid complexes of natural origin. Master Shodi Karimov (Quddus al Bukhoriy) And then there was a meeting with my A teacher (Master Quddus), who explained to me that I need to work with the subtle body and that the causes of illnesses lie in the subtle plane, in the immaterial body. By working with the energy-information field, you can ensure that the physical body connects to this work and changes its characteristics, coming to the state of a young body. In this way, the aging process can be stopped, and the next stage is non-dying. In the East they understood these things and kept knowledge about working with energy. Possession of any scroll or page from a book with a qigong exercise could cost the life of an entire clan or village. And now in any bookstore, where all this can be found in the section of esoteric literature. - How did you apply these technologies on yourself? - It so happened that I devoted more than 25 years to traditional medicine, and, like any normal doctor (whom you would fool with , that’s why you’ll get sick), picked up a bunch of diseases, which was confirmed by modern medical equipment. When I met my master, I weighed 128 kg and had all the bouquet of human ailments, except pregnancy. Although one could suspect this from his stomach (laughs). The master put me into a “lose weight” program, and in just one month I lost 18 kg. Subsequently, I reached the level of 92-93 kg and have maintained this weight for many years. Once you start working with energy, the phenomena of rejuvenation and healing come as side effects. People who practice energy practices look a little different than ordinary people. They can be called youthful, there is some kind of mystery in them - the uncertainty of age. If you purposefully engage in rejuvenation technologies, you can look young, change your figure, the length of your arms and legs. Biomass is a “plasticine” structure; you can sculpt anything from it. The formula is simple: consciousness plus energy and the ability to do. SOURCES OF VITAL FORCE - What energy practices do you use for rejuvenation? - First of all, the “Favorite Age” practice is working with the body’s biological clock, which allows a person to return to the age that suits him. There is an awakening of the phantom of the energy-information structure that a person possessed at that young age. The biomass reacts to it and also returns to a state of youth. The subtle body changes, and the physical body is subject to the same changes. And at that time a person had no diseases, so rejuvenation and healing occur at the same time. The skin is smoothed, wrinkles disappear, increased performance and endurance are physically felt, reproductive function is restored, etc. A person can maintain this state of health indefinitely. Why not be 25 years old forever? Of course, to do this, first of all, you need to change your worldview. Hippocrates told his patients: until you change your attitude towards life, you cannot be helped. Wherever a person’s consciousness is directed, energy is directed there. Everything he thinks about multiplies, and his life force is spent on it. So awareness of yourself as a triune being (soul, spirit, body) will bring its results. - In addition to working with energy, do you pay).