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Illusion (from Latin illūsiō - “delusion, deception”) is: deception of the senses, something apparent, that is, a distorted perception of a really existing object or phenomenon. It seems to us that we have it, but in reality we don’t. It seems to us that when this happens, we will be happy, but in reality we are not. It’s like the example with loans. The bank says, here you go, take the apartment right away, money later. You figured it out, calculated it, thought it over, and really agreed. What we see is a big, beautiful, bright, natural desire to have it. Then everyday life begins - and it turns out that they didn’t take this and that into account, and exchange rates change, and crises happen, and banks can raise the interest rate. I would like to ask: “Where have you been before?” What were you thinking about? Life is changing, there are more problems, the illusion has dissolved, but there is no happiness. The most popular illusions in our lives are the search for an ideal. There are several illusory ideas mixed in here: there should be ideal people in the world, we should be treated ideally, we are special and deserve it. But the illusion is destructive and leaves a feeling of deep disappointment in the end. And a donut hole. - A person changes when he meets love. Here we again wishful thinking: we interpret signs of attention and generous gestures as special nobility of character or our own special significance for this person. - When he/she appears, he/she will paint my life with bright colors. We expect the best and good things in our lives from the outside, and if we don’t receive them, we are offended by the whole world. We expect that someone will come now and solve all your problems, make you happy, and then real life will begin. - All this means serious feelings for me. If there is emptiness in life, then you will build illusions about the relationship with the person who showed sympathy for you. - I mean a lot in his (her) life. The danger of this illusion is that it often takes on the “guise of piety.” We believe that we sincerely serve our soul mate completely unselfishly, but at the same time we are offended that we are not valued enough. Reasons for illusions: Illusions always arise from a lack of something in life. This is a sign of a void that needs to be filled. Perhaps you lack real experiences, emotional intimacy, healthy communication. People who did not receive enough love in childhood are more inclined to create myths for themselves in order to satisfy basic needs. How to dispel illusions and not fall into them? Don’t lie to yourself. It is very important to learn to face the truth, no matter how difficult it may be. With illusions, you primarily harm yourself. You are expecting something that cannot be received. This is walking in circles. If you find it difficult to figure out where illusions are and where reality is, you should contact a specialist. Start from what is, and not what could be. It is impossible to predict the course of events, so it is foolish to base your hopes on what could theoretically happen. Fill your life with what makes it valuable and interesting. Then illusions will lose their attractiveness - after all, reality is even better. It is very important to deal with your illusions, to separate what you want from what you really want. If you can't do it yourself, ask for help. You can sign up for my Online consultation by writing to me personally, WhatsApp, Viber, SMS at the number +7-921-304-17-34 -