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From the author: I look forward to seeing you at Hello! One man was sitting in the waiting room of the station and waiting for the train. This was not an ordinary train, it was the train of his happiness. And he had to take him far away, to the land of serenity and joy, peace and harmony, love and acceptance. There were uncomfortable benches in the waiting room, but the man was ready to endure the inconvenience for the sake of future happiness. The proximity to some passengers caused a lot of inconvenience, but the person could not leave the waiting room, he was afraid to miss the announcements about the arrival of “his” train. And what are “inconvenient” neighbors compared to the new life he will one day live. The air in the hall was stale and stale, but the man hoped that any minute they would announce boarding for the train and then he would definitely breathe in fresh, clean air. There were many trains, but none of them were suitable for a person. One was too fast, the other was too slow, the third was very expensive, the fourth had only reserved seat carriages, the fifth was too noisy, the sixth stood on the platform for only two minutes, the seventh stood for too long. All the neighbors in the waiting room had already left, new passengers took their place, and the man waited and waited. Over time, his eyes lost their former vigilance, and it became difficult for him to distinguish the numbers of arriving trains. My hearing also failed me at times. Instead of “The train has arrived on the third track of the second platform,” he heard “Now is the right moment to change everything.” Decrepit muscles barely obeyed when the man stood up to look at the lucky ones who were leaving on the next train. Compassionate station workers fed the old man, who spent more than half a century on a bench in the station waiting room, welcoming the train of his happiness. The train that never arrived. It is very easy to find yourself in the waiting room. Suffice it to say: - I’m still too... (young, old, inexperienced, experienced, stupid, smart, etc.); - that’s when....., then..... (a bright future will come with all the ensuing consequences); - now a lot... (work, worries, extra pounds, problems, etc.); - now there is very little.... (money, time, opportunities, etc.); -if I had…. (different childhood, parents, education, country, a lot of money, etc.), then... (a bright future will come with all the ensuing consequences); - I try..., but... - I already tried (most likely 100 times), but…..-I’m not ready yet….-I’ll start on Monday, tomorrow, on vacation, in retirement, next year, etc. In the “waiting room” several pleasant bonuses await you: - Lack of responsibility for your life and future, or rather the opportunity to throw off this responsibility. - Lack of fear and risk, complete control and predictability of life. - A lot of understanding and attention from those who are sitting in this room with you. But there are also side effects: - monotony of life, boredom, routine, fatigue, irritability. - a feeling of lack of meaning in life. - anger, resentment towards those who managed to leave. - diseases of the musculoskeletal system (sitting on your butt for a long time is harmful), cardiovascular vascular system (lack of stress has a detrimental effect on the blood vessels of the brain, and lack of love negatively affects the heart), stomach (the food in the waiting room is monotonous). - lack of a future when abandoning the present. What do you choose? Should I sit in the waiting room or risk boarding the train? Should I try no matter what for the 101st time or postpone this attempt until the right moment? Take a risk, despite the small amount of experience, knowledge, time, or wait until you become wise with experience and knowledge? The choice is yours! Sincerely, Yulia Minakova. Love yourself and your loved ones.