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From the author: If more than half of the statements below seem true to you, then perhaps the fear of success plays a significant (negative) role in Your life. But it's not so scary! Ignorance is scary. Many people for many years, and sometimes their entire lives, are in a state of profound ignorance of what is happening to them and where they are. By answering these questions, you now have a real chance to understand what is happening to you. He who is forewarned is forearmed. Do you understand? Why does knowledge increase sorrow? But this is only for weaklings! You are a strong person. When you know what is blocking your success, you have a CHOICE! How to act, where to go. 1. I often quit a business I started, even if it was progressing successfully and was promising. This issue can be easily resolved. Need to study. Learn to act and solve problems. If you start with big things right away, you may fail. Therefore, there is such a work option. Plan “small” things for yourself, and once you start doing them, reach the end. For example. We set ourselves three things to do for the day. Wash the shirt, wash the dishes, sort out the table. And they did the job. Through this, you will form the habit of finishing what you start. Try it, you will like it. 2. When I manage to achieve something in life (or I just start to get lucky), troubles will certainly follow. It’s your ASS (life experience) playing a cruel joke on you. Life is like a zebra, sometimes good, sometimes bad. This is a model of the life of an ordinary person. We discuss this topic in detail in the Goal Setting 1 course, and there are real keys to how to get out of this situation. To get started, I’ll give you a little hint. It all starts with a thought. It shapes your life and destiny in the future. How to work with this, you can figure it out in the training, Check your head settings! It is important to understand one thing. You must act powerfully and decisively, otherwise your bad head will lead you in the wrong direction. 3. I always lack something to achieve real success. People always lack everything, there is never enough money, happiness, health! Yes everything! NOT ENOUGH! This is a word from the psychology of the average person. Just for now realize what you have and these are the fruits of your labor, your thoughts and your attitude. Train, develop, act, in the end, within the framework of your VISION OF LIFE, then you have a real chance to meet a miracle. And even more precise. Create a miracle. Just remember, you have enough, you just can’t believe it and accept it for yourself. 4. When my business is going well, I immediately begin to have problems in relationships with loved ones. Naturally! Because as soon as you start getting something from life for your efforts, opportunities arise, you begin to grow and change at a crazy pace. And leaving your comfort zone is always fraught with a clash with those who sit in their “swamp” and do not want to change anything. So clashes happen. What to do? Everything is simple and complex at the same time. Accept that this is the choice of those people. And you also make your choice. Return to the swamp or move on and lead the people with you. But this is effort, this is training. We discuss this topic in various trainings; all that remains is to train in this direction. 5. I prefer not to take on unnecessary responsibility and not to encourage other people. You need to think more about avoiding failure than about how to succeed. What you think about is what you get. As for responsibility, there is a simple observation. Not every adult according to his passport is an adult in life. Many people still have child psychology even at 30, 40, 50 years old. Responsibility is the state of an adult, mature person. So congratulations. It’s wonderful to fall into childhood, for five or seven days, then it’s already dangerous, you can stay completely. Fear of responsibility, fear of achieving a goal is the fourth fear that gets in the way of your success. The solution is simple, take responsibility foryour life on yourself and act. There will be difficulties, I promise you that, but you will like the results. 6. Unlike many people, I do not strive for external manifestations of success. This is from a series about a black cat, a dream for Friday, the number thirteen, Prejudice. It’s not that they didn’t strive. The fear that when you show the first signs of success, people will be jealous and people from all over the world will come to you for money... This is what often stops you. But! You make your choice and live the way you choose. And you try, dress nicely, buy yourself a new car and just show yourself as a contented and joyful person. Do not forget. Now you pay attention to those 50% who are jealous, angry, and gossiping. But you forgot that there is another 50% who will be happy for you, for your success, for your prosperity. And they don't need anything from you. So choose who you want to please. 7. It is very important for me to be the master of myself and my time. Well, be it, there is an easy way to do it. Daily planning, within the framework of the vision of your life. Much easier! Try it and see the incredible benefits of this action. It’s just that this is also work, and for many it is a burden, because there is no perspective, there is no VISION of where a person is moving. Create a VISION for your life, and then planning will become a GAME for you! Taking the Goal Setting 1 course can be a good help in this. 8. I really don’t like making important decisions, especially those that can have irreversible consequences. Do you want a secret? Even minor decisions you make have irreversible consequences. So start making decisions that you think can be reversed. You just need to learn and develop the habit of making decisions in those cases that can affect your life. For example. Take and accept responsibility, decide to do something around the house without being reminded. At least take out the trash! And let this be your area of ​​responsibility. You will see that there is nothing wrong with making a decision. Yes, this gives new obligations, but you will also notice another side, they will look at you completely differently. Like this. Choose, the desire for eternal peace, or life. Active, bright, full. And this comes from only one thing. DECISION MAKING! 9. I often feel awkward when people praise me or give me compliments. And this, oddly enough, also needs to be learned. Learn to give compliments, learn to receive compliments. We discuss this topic in detail in the section: Trainings on character formation and family trainings. Whatever one may say, all this is due to low self-esteem, they did not teach us to be proud of our achievements, they did not show us how to praise other people for their achievements. So study, study and study again. Those who have learned this have long soared with the Eagles! And if you have fairly bright and lofty goals, you will not be able to skip past this topic. 10. When I was a child, adults were too demanding of me, and even now my loved ones are not too lenient. As soon as my personal and professional affairs go well, I certainly ruin everything for myself. This is a normal condition for a child. We have already mentioned above that many adults have a child’s psychology. So it's not a disaster, it's just a small nuisance that goes over your head. The solution is simple, take responsibility for yourself, for your life, for your prosperity and you will immediately see how your life will change. And instead of judging yourself, you can gain self-respect and, as a result, a change in your life. This sounds simple, of course, but in reality you have a lot of work ahead of you. If you are ready to train, then the training room is waiting for you. 11. It is better to live quietly, avoiding serious changes and not attracting attention to yourself. Sometimes I absolutely need to radically change something in my life, preferably to the diametrically opposite one. These are ordinary laws of life. Development exists only in movement. There is no development in the comfort zone, no