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As you know, it is better to eat an elephant in pieces. In my article “I don’t know what I want” https://www.b17.ru/article/464976/ I mentioned scaling as a way to do what you want. But scaling helps in other cases too. For example, when we don’t know how to achieve what we want. We don’t believe in ourselves or think that the goal is unrealistic and unattainable. Of course, there are fantastic desires and goals, but this is not about them now. Sometimes our problem seems as big as an elephant, and its solution is impossible. It frightens and makes you freeze and do nothing. Using a “scale” or “line of progress” allows you to divide this huge thing into small pieces, determine the present moment, what you want and the way to achieve it. This makes the goal visible, and the next step accessible and realistically feasible. And it allows you to rely on your past experience: this or a similar thing has already happened and there is no reason to think that it cannot be repeated. So what do we do? 1. Having decided what we want, we draw a scale from 1 to 10 in increments of one. 2. We describe point 1. This is a situation from your experience in which what you wanted was minimal or absent. We remember time, events, actions, thoughts, feelings. 3. We describe point 10. This is the best result. How would you like to see it or maybe you already had it. We describe time, events, actions, thoughts, feelings, environment. 4. We evaluate the actual condition. My scale uses point 4 as an example. Where are you now on this scale? We mark a point on the scale. We describe this real point in detail. How is it different from 1? How can this change be explained? How did this happen? What did you do for this? What helped you get here? The important question is: what has been most successful?5. Let's go forward. Imagine moving up one point. Questions to yourself: What needs to be different for you to get to the next point? What can you do about this? What is missing? What or who can help you? What is the minimum sign that will tell you that you are moving? How can we move on to the next step? Form a plan and... act! After some time, we check our scale. We take a new current point and ask ourselves the questions from point 4. Analyze our movement from 4 to 5. What worked well, what can be changed or added? And... we act again! We go to the desired point in small steps. And now the goal no longer seems unattainable. A feeling of control over the change process is created. Progress is visible, which in itself motivates and does not allow you to give up. Well, it shows that you can do it!