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I assume that in Russia there are many more people infected and recovered from coronavirus than the media are broadcasting, and the virus has been walking around the country for a long time. When the whole world is engulfed in an epidemic, and everything is fine with us, mortal danger miraculously avoids, I think the reason is not a miracle. In Italy, for example, there is a high mortality rate because there is a large percentage of the elderly population. They have very warm traditions; they kiss and hug when they meet. In our country, few people look at anyone with kind eyes) and the average life expectancy is 65-70 years. Plus a low level of operational response and a high level of chronic diseases among the population; if anyone died, it was concluded from something else. Some of my friends were ill with something unknown, with symptoms very similar to a mild form of coronavirus. We did not conduct diagnostics among the population, where can we get honest statistics. On February 27, I was in Moscow in a very famous center, I had a fever, but no one did a test. Moscow! An advanced medical institution! For the first time I think how good it is that everything is bad with us) Panic and fear aggravate the course of the disease and psychosomatics have not been canceled. Consciousness is a very powerful tool; indeed, the less you know, the better you sleep. There is such a medical student syndrome. The condition is most common among medical students who believe that they themselves are experiencing symptoms of the disease they are studying. There are many facts that when patients find out that they are terminally ill, their condition worsens. In any case, optimism, the situation is serious and safety precautions have not been canceled. 1. If possible, protect yourself from social contacts. Stay 2-3 meters away from people. 2. Wash your hands thoroughly often. 3. Drink more and more often. Water) 4. Do not touch your nose, mouth, eyes with your hands 5. Sneeze into your elbow or a disposable napkin (handkerchief) 6. If you have ARVI symptoms, stay home. Self-isolation.7.If you have difficulty breathing and have a high temperature, call a doctor at home.Calm down and take care of yourself.How do you feel about the situation?