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A 58-year-old woman (let's call her Nastya Konyagina, her first and last name have been changed) asked me to help her cope with her fear of going to the village, to her own house, which became her property after the death of her husband 18 years ago. In preliminary In a conversation with Nastya, it turned out that the fear appeared after her last visit to a village house, where she suffered food poisoning. Despite the fact that everything worked out without medical intervention, the woman was scared: she was alone in the house, no one was around to support and calm her down. When everything worked out, she felt better, she turned to her neighbors, who helped her return to the city. Now the client’s state before the planned trip to the village caused her fear, an unpleasant feeling of “jitters,” as she put it. At the beginning of the EOT (emotional-imaginative therapy) session, the woman felt this unpleasant state described above in her body as “heaviness and aching feeling in the chest,” having the image of a “vertically stretched elastic band, like a string.” According to the procedure for conducting an EOT session, Nastya entered into a mental dialogue with the image and realized that it was making her “stressed and nervous.” The woman, using the technique of paradoxical resolution of EOT (at my suggestion - author’s note) told the image of a stretched elastic band that it was not will make her, the rubber band, tense, nervous and allow her to be spontaneous and free in her manifestations. Now the image of the elastic band was no longer tense, it “relaxed”, and the heaviness left the client’s chest. However, in the center of her chest, according to Nastya, she still had “some kind of aching feeling.” Then the EOT technique was used to release suppressed feelings with the help of an imaginary sound: the woman mentally released the sound “and-and-and...” from her chest. , until she felt that it was enough, and the sound died down by itself. However, very deep in her chest, according to the client, there was still anxiety. The image of this “deep anxiety” looked like an “old woman with a stick” (fear of weakness, old age) and was “planted” on the 1st chair. And the opposite image of calm, wisdom, poise looked like a young, beautiful girl - in the 2nd chair. Next, the technique of energization (filling with energy for growth and development) of the positive image of a young girl was used. While Nastya filled the image of the girl with energy, the “old woman” greatly decreased in size, lost her outline and turned into something “hard.” At the same time, the image of the girl blossomed, grew stronger, began to enjoy life and “told” Nastya not to “dwell on her sores, but to find something to do that brings joy and pleasure.” Then the image of the girl suddenly disappeared, not having time to integrate with the client, which would have been desirable for her. And the “hard” that remained on the 1st chair from the image of the old woman turned out, according to Nastya, to be “sadness”, which was allowed to show its full potential. hidden potential. Then sadness took the form of a “cartoon girl”, angry, with her hands clenched into fists (rebellious Inner Child), she immediately got into a fight with the woman. The client reassured the girl by saying that she was not angry with her, because she understood that the girl was actually kind, good and was simply defending herself. But now Nastya will always love her girl, take care of her and protect her so that she will not have to fight or show aggression in order to defend herself. The image of the girl stopped waving her arms, calmed down and united (integrated) with the client. After this, the woman expressed a desire to stand under the stream of water in her imagination and felt relief. Then I invited the client to imagine the image of Joy (after all, it was this state that advised her to experience the positive image of the young girl that had appeared earlier). For Nastya, Joy looked like a field of sunflowers. The woman imagined herself in this field, lying among flowers and contemplating the sky, across which clouds suddenly floated, it became cloudy, and it began to rain. When the sun came out, then.