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I am finishing my publications on the topic of social invisibility. The beginning is here, here and here, and here. Today we’ll talk about the most profound things in our psychology. About what is inside. In that very inner essence from which we act according to the “inside-out” principle. So let’s look at a number of layers of our Self-concept, going in the opposite direction: from the outside to the inside: ImageIdentityPersonality, face, personal dataDeclared valuesTrue valuesReputationAuthenticity, self In my book “Reputation Capital” I make the following clear distinction between image and reputation: Comparison criterionImageReputationHow one is perceivedBy one’s clothes one is greeted, They follow according to the mind. Complexity Simple, but varied. A complex of ideas about the life activity of a subject, a complex, multifactorial formation. To be or to seem? It can “seem, but not to be.” “To be, and not to seem.” Part of a personified image Face / faces / character Mind / soul / principles / valuesPart of the productPackagingContentsDynamicsRelevant, current characteristics. It forms and changes quickly. Requires constant reinforcement. Develops over a long period of time. Has a long-term nature. The less it changes, the better the quality. Function Attracts. Promises. Makes you stay. Guarantees. To whom is it attributed? Can be inherent to both the subject and the brand. Characterizes only the subject - an organization or a person. Why is it needed? Communicates its individuality, positioning. Solves specific and practical marketing problems Communicates the “essence” of the subject. Allows you to make long-term forecasts and assessments of the behavior of the bearer of reputation. Emotions or reason? Has an emotionally-tinged characteristic. Appeals to the emotional sphere of the audience. Contains dynamic characteristics. Involves the mechanisms of the subconscious and unconscious, including the collective unconscious. It has a pronounced evaluative (normative) nature. Based largely on rational assessments, analysis, and conclusions. Operates with facts, evidence, examples and other means of forming an assessment. Contains value and ethical components. Where does it come from? In business - as a rule, it is the result of a specific image, advertising, and marketing campaign. In personal life, it is the result of amateur activity. It is reconstructed from the subject’s behavior, “extracted” from her behavior by the method of causal attribution, i.e. an explanation of the reasons for her particular behavior. Sources Taken mainly from open sources: self-presentation, advertising, publications on social networks. Formed on the basis of various sources, incl. confidential. Who needs it? Suitable for those who think in given pictures and follow paternalistic instructions. An important component of mass manipulation. In demand by pro-active, dynamic people trying to independently shape their future and manage success. Reputation assessments are useful as a source of high-confidence forecasts. Strategy or tactics? Is a tactical resource. Is a strategic resource. Control Completely controlled by its carrier, which is why it is convenient. It can be profiled, shaped, but it is not a controlled, managed resource. Profiled through the implementation of core activities and through communication with various target audiences. Formation tool Image building Reputation management Risks Easily calculated, are of a marketing nature. Risky capital - can be quickly lost in a crisis situation. Money An expense item that requires investment, but when used skillfully, brings money in the form of customer loyalty. Capitalized – constitutes reputational capital. Does not have a direct assessment of the effectiveness of the formation - can only be assessed indirectly based on a reputation audit.