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From the author: In order to be free, you need to not let go of the remote control of life, choose a hobby, fill your free time yourself, change jobs, place of residence, etc. When work is no longer a pleasure joy I want to touch on the issue of freedom of choice regarding work. “Freedom is the possibility of a subject expressing his will on the basis of awareness of the laws of development of nature and society.” Why don’t we exercise our right to freedom of choice when we go to work that we no longer want to work at? There are many themes intertwined here. If you have worked in one place for 5 or more years, then a warm little world or comfort zone is created where you know everything, everyone knows you, everything is known and it is safe. Then more, longer periods of work in one place add fears: I can’t do anything, I won’t succeed, they won’t hire me anywhere, there is no work in the city, I have to start all over again, the list of fears is significant... It’s impossible not to take into account the situation on the market labor today, unemployment keeps us in any workplace. It should be noted that when working for a long time in one place, there is a high probability of professional burnout. Signs of professional burnout syndrome: nervous exhaustion; loss of any motivation; decreased concentration; apathy. In addition, there is the fact that many key positions are appointed depending on the degree of relationship or loyalty to management, which creates obstacles to career advancement. As a result, a feeling of learned helplessness may develop. “I can’t change anything, I can’t do anything about it!” - the key phrase of helpless people. Over many years of working in one place, you begin to identify yourself with the position you occupy, and a feeling of self-worth arises. Now it is difficult to imagine yourself outside of work and perceive yourself as just a person. You are not satisfied with the work, but you continue to work, while possibly scolding the management and the system. Making a decision can take years. A lot of energy is spent on unmade decisions. You feel constant dissatisfaction with life, and longing for another life that you do not live. If you yourself have not made the decision to change jobs, circumstances may change critically - you may be fired, laid off, you are finally free. But he is angry at everyone, because they did not act fairly, or depressed, because he hoped that there would be a different outcome. But maybe I’m glad the decision has been made, you’re free). In any case, in order to become free and have a resource for further decisions, you need to give up your sense of self-importance. In order to move forward, you need unconditional acceptance of yourself. When you have given up your sense of self-importance, then you can say that you have found freedom; you are not afraid to work at any job, even a non-prestigious one. Now you are just a person and do not identify yourself with the status that work gives. Now there is a resource for making decisions and building your life. It turns out that everything is simply much, much simpler than we think about it. In order to be free, you need to not let go of the remote control of life, choose a hobby, fill your free time yourself, change jobs, place of residence, etc. The ability to influence your life and control its course has an incredibly positive impact.