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From the author: The costs of our Russian health culture are such that it is still considered shameful among the population to seek psychological help. “Am I crazy?” - this is how many answer (or think) and..... are left alone with difficulties or problems. Then the question arises: “Why, when your heart, stomach, leg, hand or other organ hurts, do you go to the doctor? And when your soul hurts , sometimes unbearable, do you think you can handle it on your own?” Moreover, somatic symptoms (organ diseases) are a consequence of the disease of the Soul. For many centuries, philosophers have argued about what comes first: matter or consciousness? Now there is no longer any doubt that consciousness is primary. Our life and activities are the result of our thoughts. Our negative thinking gives rise to illnesses of the Soul, and then – illnesses of the body. Physical illness is the final stage of illness of the Soul. This is when the body is already screaming and has begun to collapse, because its owner does not hear or see the illness of the Soul. But why then do so few people seek psychological help, although everyone who experiences any mental or physical suffering needs it? First and I think the main reason is the general level of human culture. If a person takes it for granted to yell at another or become depressed (which is tantamount to self-flagellation), will he go to a specialist? No, at least as long as he can stand it. This behavior is especially obvious for Russians: rudeness and other destructive manifestations of behavior have become a “calling card” all over the world. The second reason, I believe, is the lack of a culture of health. Mental health today is the key to physical health, the key to happiness and quality of life. But if attention is still paid to physical health, only a few pay attention to mental health. The third reason is the lack of information about the benefits of mental health and the need for psychological help. It is simply not profitable for politicians in our state to have healthy members of society... The fourth reason is a lack of faith in the competence of a specialist. It has long been known that there is no labor market in Russia. Hence the chaos in the proposals of universities: “We teach what is beneficial to us!” But few people now think about the quality of education. Hence the number of psychologists, because almost every university today has a psychology department! Because the profession of a psychologist has recently become popular. But are there many good specialists among the graduates? Having received an academic education does not mean that you are able to help others... To become truly competent and be able to provide your services efficiently, you need to study a lot and for a long time (at your own expense!), have a long practice, and even more importantly, work on your own Personality, because this is the only tool a psychologist has. When, having received dubious diplomas or certificates, psychologists rush to “make money” from clients - where will the trust and quality of services come from? Who most often makes a decision and turns to a specialist? 1. Those who have the courage to admit to themselves that there are problems. It is especially difficult for men to admit this, because from childhood they were raised to be courageous and “not to whine.” This is not easy at first. Many people think that everything is fine with them, although in reality this is far from the case. Here the psychological defense mechanism “repression” or “rationalization” is triggered and the person “does not see” his problem;2. They have the courage to take the first step to a specialist on their own. Any psychological help will be ineffective if a person is “brought in” if he does not understand why he needs it. Despite the fact that, although sometimes the problem lies on the surface for a specialist, the client himself must come to him.3. They have a desire to change something in themselves, in their life, in relationships. Such a desire indicates the degree of personal maturity and it will help in the process of working on problems.4. They have the ability to reflect (introspection).5. Possess