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HOW TO LEARN TO UNDERSTAND A TEENAGERAdolescence is one of the most difficult periods in the life of a person and the life of a family where there is a teenager. The very word “teenager” already tells us a lot. A person has not yet grown up, has not yet become an adult, but is already very close to this. Remember yourself at this age. How you wanted adults to take your opinion into account... how violently you reacted when this did not happen... how you tried to achieve authority among your peers... what different and contradictory feelings you experienced - from powerlessness, loneliness and misunderstanding to a feeling of your omnipotence, awareness such truths and understanding of the universe and humanity that no one simply knows about! So, a teenager. What is he like? Age – 11-15 years. Today, children grow up earlier and an 11-year-old child can already be called a teenager. Psycho-physical characteristics: Adolescence coincides with puberty. The body, voice, facial features change and...character changes. In the sweet and familiar image of a child, parents suddenly discover someone completely unfamiliar, sometimes cynical and impudent. “This is not our child! Where is that sweet girl we raised?!” - the usual exclamations of the teenager’s parents. “And who does he (she) have such a character?!” There is a “hormonal storm” associated with puberty, which affects behavior and is expressed by: - ​​sharp changes in mood - outbursts of aggression - isolation - claims to parents and the world - fluctuations in self-esteem - hypersensitivity The perception of the world becomes very subjective, emotional experiences intensify from the experience of a “high” from the world and contact with it to the disgust and horror of being in this world. Teenagers tend to think about the structure of the world, they are captivated by various philosophical topics, the topic of searching for the meaning of life becomes especially relevant, justice, good and evil, love and death. This internal search is accompanied by reading books (from fantasy to existential literature), writing poems and stories, art attempts to express oneself in clothes, hairstyle, on the walls of houses, one’s room, fences, etc. .Interested in everything forbidden, secret, mystical. Attracted by horror films, thrillers, dramas. Often at this age, belonging to one or another subculture becomes a way to express oneself. And we see goths, emmos, gopniks, etc., who with their appearance demonstrate to each other and adults their values ​​and life guidelines. Often it is extremely difficult for the teenager himself to cope with his experiences and sudden changes in mood. This scares him and his loved ones. And that is why a teenager so needs the support and understanding of others. What are the main problems and tasks that are solved in adolescence? What comes to the fore? What do you need to learn during this period? The answer is simple - communication skills with awareness of your place and role in a social group. Relationships with peers become the most important for a teenager. Everything else seems to be subordinated to the satisfaction of this need. This could be live communication in teenage groups or parties, or online communication on the World Wide Web. Both can be combined. Thus, the teenager develops communication skills, learns to recognize meaning and subtext, learns to trust himself and the world and find the measure of this trust. Hobbies and interests are directly related to the topic of communication - this could be a theater studio, modern dancing, playing the guitar, etc. And everything that a teenager does at this time serves the main task - to attract the attention of peers, earn authority, feel valued and important in the group, and feel recognized by the group. The experience of one’s place in the peer group becomes central. The search for this worthy place. It must be said that groups or companies created by teenagers at this age are an analogy of a family, where there are more authoritative older children playing the role of parents and there are many brothers and sisters and, of course, competition between them for love and recognition