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From the author: Let's exclaim and admire each other. You shouldn't be afraid of pompous words. Let's give each other compliments - After all, these are all happy moments of love. By pounding compliments like water in a mortar, people commit noble deeds . V.V. The Mayakovsky Compliment is one of the simplest and most accessible ways to bring joy and pleasure to another person. This is something airy, elegant, light, inspiring and giving a smile. It magically affects the interlocutor, adding strength and confidence. In terms of its impact, a compliment can be compared to fertilizer thrown into the soil. A compliment, according to explanatory dictionaries, is decoration, pleasantness, courtesy. What's stopping us from using this universal tool to strengthen communication? I would like to talk about the reasons that stop our “complimentaryness” and admiration in everyday life. It is interesting that one of the meanings of a compliment is the traditional bow of a circus performer at the end of a performance in response to the applause of the audience. This is gratitude for attention and empathy. So maybe we are ungrateful to our interlocutor or are not interested in a favorable atmosphere for communication? 2. There is an opinion that compliments have no meaning. Yes, words are immaterial. Life in the 21st century is full of material meanings. Often emotions are replaced by real gifts and offerings. So maybe our feelings, admiration, gratitude are worthy of being expressed in words? 3. The last significant reason stopping us from this joy of communication is ignorance of how to give a compliment, how to praise or emphasize something in a person. The fear of not being understood or repeating your failures fetters desires. If you want to improve the quality of your communication, I present an algorithm for a successful bright compliment: 1) Communicate it from a position of personal admiration. The one to whom your words are directed may be an unconditional authority for you in a certain quality of his activity. For example: I am pleased, I appreciate and share. It captivates me 2) Give the words an emotional coloring and brightness. Be generous, expressing delight, respect and gratitude. For example: I am extremely (immensely) pleased to see you as a protector. I always appreciate and fully share your position... I am captivated by your immeasurable kindness and responsiveness 3) Pay attention not to a person’s things, but to the qualities of character , values, actions of people. Things and appearance can certainly be the focus of attention, but they primarily emphasize the taste, appearance, character of the owner. I didn’t know before that you understand people so subtly and well. What a wonderful speech you have! It’s a pleasure to listen to you! How did you manage to cultivate such restraint in yourself? A compliment will be doubly strong if it is heard in society. Attention to a person, recognition of his authority is always pleasant, even if it is denied momentarily. Dating can begin with a compliment. This is a great way to express your openness and desire to make contact. When the conversation loses its logical chain, material arguments and evidence have been exhausted, it’s time to turn to intangible values ​​- to emphasize the good features, the subscriber’s successes, and common values. Compliments are a great way to strengthen spiritual community and connection between people. They work to develop better relationships and friendships and show your interest and involvement. Let's exclaim and admire each other. You shouldn't be afraid of pompous words. Let's compliment each other - After all, these are all happy moments of love. Bulat Okudzhava