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From the author: The article was written under the impression of reading the fairy tale “Scarlet Sails”. These are my thoughts about metaphysics, the power of thought and the fluids of faith. But since it was published on a website for psychologists, this article will go with an emphasis on “distortion of reality” as a special defense mechanism. Life is not always fun, but if it is boring, then it is no longer life, but its absence - deadness, death. In our harsh reality, dreaming is not easy, for this, firstly, you need to be born a romantic, secondly, courage and courage to dream, and thirdly, to bear responsibility for the consequences. Once upon a time, it seems, I was fascinated to madness the movie "Back to the Future", and especially Martin McFly - a guy who traveled in the time continuum. He skateboarded and played guitar like a god. Twenty years of my life have passed: my son is a master at skateboarding and no less masterly at playing the guitar. I wonder why this happened? IT'S PROBABLY A MATTER OF IMPRINTS. Impressions of those we love, what we admire, we somehow place inside ourselves. Since then, I have been interested in the laws of time... Let's consider first: what is dreaming? Actually, dreaming itself is nothing more than the experience of a possible future. Dreaming is a choice in favor of the dreamer. Choosing a future that occurs in the context of new desired events. It is “the fabric of analytic experience,” in the words of Ogden Thomas, “woven from the threads of life and death, dreams and interpretations, privacy and communication, individual and interpersonal, superficially mundane and deeply personal, freedom of experiment and rootedness in existing forms, and, finally, , the love and beauty of figurative language in itself and the need to use language as a therapeutic tool.” So, in the small tavern of Kaperna there lived a girl, the daughter of the sailor Longren, named Assol. Assol had a dream. Or rather, she fiercely believed that when she grew up, a ship with scarlet sails would sail for her. The captain of the ship, a handsome prince, will take her to a wonderful land, where the stars themselves will descend from heaven, rejoicing at her arrival! In her dreams, “she often sat with her legs tucked up, with her hands around her knees. Carefully leaning towards the sea, she looked at the horizon with big eyes, in which there was nothing adult left - through the eyes of a child.” All children in their dreams are little romantics. But not everyone still has the gift of romance and intuitiveness. As a rule, it passes over time, under the influence of harsh, brutal reality, if it is not supported by the courage and principles of a mature personality. What does it mean to be born a romantic. They say that among all types of intelligence there is a special one - the Gift of Intuition. Intuitive mind. Information just comes to such people and that’s it. This is when a person immediately feels what is being discussed. This is when a phrase, a piece of a picture from a mosaic, an excerpt from a suite, a sketch is enough for him to figure out the melody, the plot, and figure out the mise-en-scène. Moreover, the special task of people of this type is to bring beauty and diversity into life. To prove that dreaming is not harmful, and that even from ethereal dreams some good comes out. But the most important thing that others fail to comprehend is that romantics manage to believe that everything made up is that same “mirror reality.” The reality of the alter ego world. Read more about this: “The Higgs boson. To hell with such psychology!” In reality, the most “seasoned” romantics are considered crazy. And Assol was teased. Therefore, it was not easy for her. Let's look at how exactly Assol's dream was implemented and strengthened? Assol took advantage of the integration. She was not like the ordinary women of Kaperna: “...As a woman, she was unpopular in Kaperna, but many suspected, although wildly and vaguely, that she was given more than others - only in a different language. Kaperna people adored thick, heavy women with oily with the skin of thick calves and powerful arms; they were courted here, slapping their backs with their palms and pushing each other, as if at a bazaar..." Now it becomesit is clear that Assol lives in a different world, speaks a different language. Thus, she carries out integration, from this world, into another world, understandable only to her. That is, she didn’t just invent this world, she lived and communicated in it, gradually building bridges with reality. But at the same time she introduced her own “reality”. And this is not just against the backdrop of such a shaking picture of real events. After all, she had to constantly protect and preserve her inner sacred individuality and authenticity. She had to go through all the stages of identity in the cantatas of society, to choose, among all the polyphony, her own tone, contrasting with others. After all, it is not always easy for a real person trying to preserve his individuality. Conditioning. Search for IdentityIdentity processes begin with the integration of individuality and personality. Until a person sheds his personality, he cannot find his individuality. But Assol had a more developed individuality, so the rest had to accept her personality. After all, individuality is given to a person by existence itself, personality is imposed by society. Assol was not convenient for anyone, because society cannot tolerate individuality. A personality can be crushed by social doctrines, the dominant idea of ​​leaders or social leaders. But individuality is capable of weaving its own “white swan” fabric, as in the fairy tale about the ugly duckling. What is this gift? This is nothing more than a gift, character traits and a special composition of faith. The disposition of a psychedelic nature, the acquisition of that clarity of soul in which neither form nor shades will lead away from the content of the “distorted consciousness.” That consciousness in which new worlds are created: “from that moment the jubilant wealth of consciousness did not leave her.” The conflict of cultivation occurs within a person. And until it is resolved there, it cannot be resolved anywhere else. There is no public policy. Politics is within you. And it lies in the frame of mind between the two halves of the mind. And if the bridge is a connection, integration will not unite these two halves: personality and individuality - goodbye to the qualities of a lion. This can be called ill health, schizophrenia, when a person believes in individuality and acts according to the laws of personality - trying to become comfortable. But faith saves the main character. This kind of faith only occurs in children. And indeed, Assol, who lost her mother early, was often teased by the children of other sailors and the local shantrap. Therefore, the teenage girl used the most powerful defense mechanism - living and experiencing another reality. In other words, the girl distorted reality until it itself was distorted. She believed and did not believe her dream, which the local wizard whispered to her, “reflecting on all this, she sincerely marveled at herself, not believing that she believed,” according to A. Green. But rather, she believed in her character, believed so much that she cultivated in herself the courage and courage to dream. Courage and courage to dream Assol was born with a pronounced individuality. But in order to keep her in society, she needed the qualities of a lioness. Move alone, live alone, be alone, dream, feel comfortable in the bosom of nature, fall asleep on it as in your cradle. A person feels confident in a crowd. But only strong and brave people move alone. And the most interesting thing is that Green, in part, revealed what was obvious. What lay on the surface for so long and no one noticed: “Each of us is born a lion.” But society is created according to its own laws. Society would be destroyed if there were a pride of lions and no sheep. From time immemorial, all politics has programmed people to be sheep. Politics are designed for sheep. It gives you a personality that is easy to manipulate. But Assol was not such a person. She had the freedom of a lioness. It is her dream that gives her wings. Her dream makes her bold and courageous. When a person has the experience of love (phantoms of love passed on from parents), a person’s life becomes conditioned by this search for love in further, adult relationships. After all!