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From the author: I find that the practice of the PDA method can be freely expanded beyond the boundaries of psychotherapy/counseling and successfully used not only by professional psychologists (and each of us is one of those - our own psychologist) , and also in family and especially in organized pedagogy, in social work, in personnel management, in coaching, in interpersonal relationships. In this regard, I thought and decided to hold a seminar on PDA for everyone interested in the PDA method, and not just for professional psychologists. Welcome! Happy Knowledge Day and a good school year! My interest in short-term positive counseling began from the very first immersion in it, from the first seminar, and intensified from the very first book I read in the first month, from the first read thematic articles by the authors of the SFBT method. And then it increasingly developed and is developing to this day. In fact, it organically fit into my previous ideas about the essence of organizing and conducting psychological assistance, the psychologist’s attitude towards the client, thinking about the client’s situation, the roles of the specialist and the client in interaction in connection with the client’s difficulties and the direction of assistance. In psychological counseling, it began first with individual format, then family and group formats were added. Of course, I immediately applied this method to a remote form of counseling - via chat and video communication applications. I also tried via telephone contact. And everywhere I was convinced - it works and works perfectly! the results were positive and quite quickly and, surprisingly, quite easily, freely (surprising, of course, only for me, as the first to discover the method). PDA is perfectly applicable in working with people undergoing experiences of varying degrees of severity, with various cases, applications. With people different, both in gender and age, with very different social and psychological experiences. As for requests, of course, they should be formulated in the context of work with the search for a suitable trial solution for the current one (i.e. it can be like a difficult life situation that has recently arisen or has been going on for a long time. This is precisely what is a sufficient result and criterion for good work in the CCP. Consulting is generally ten points out of ten possible. Psychotherapy I propose that we agree to understand psychotherapy as an activity that results in changes in personality (increased self-understanding, self-awareness, a positive attitude towards oneself and better self-regulation , the result of which is good adaptation in society), and under counseling - an activity that results in changes in the field of ideas, ideas (cognitive sphere) and emotional experiences, intentions regarding certain actions, the experience of activity and readiness to try a new option for action in a situation , in which, before, there was a feeling of impasse and helplessness. It is clear that these are conventions... So, in this matter - in psychotherapy, there are also serious changes. Of course, I am not talking about quick results in personal and, especially, psychosomatic psychotherapy , mental disorders, although with these most complex disorders, the help is very significant, namely in setting up for psychotherapeutic work, in developing mutual understanding, in establishing and developing contact, in understanding the purpose of psychotherapy, in getting off the ground, in alleviating the psychological state from the first meetings , in discovering resources, in support along the way, in freer advancement and consolidation of achieved results. In short, there are many results, and all of them are significant. In working with families, discovering hidden reserves, and relying on mechanisms that work well, achieving mutual understanding on positive intentions of family members, it becomes easier to move towards achieving clear goals. In general, it is worth noting that the PDA genre itself is simple, understandable and, thus, close to people. This is the usualan easy conversation, albeit with a specialist, but not in his language, but in a simple language understandable to everyone, without fixating on descriptions of shortcomings, deficits and difficulties, but with interest and reliance on the existing positive, resourceful sides of a person who is actively seeking a solution to his problems. In this sense, the client and the psychologist are collaborators in resolving the client’s socio-psychological problems. The emphasis in the conversation is on reflections and actions, and precisely those that are aimed at resolving the problem situation presented by the client, and this direction of work is very clear to many people and meets their expectations - after all, this is precisely why we all turn to specialists - to change circumstances or our attitude towards them, to relieve irritation from the feeling of a dead end, and despair from helplessness... Of course, not all problems are resolved through changing people’s behavior. However, the CCP does not aim to correct actions of people, but to encourage constructive activity, productive activity in a realistic world, in contrast to when a person is in a state of passivity caused by feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, despair..., reflecting on acceptable, accessible ways of action and being inspired by the idea of ​​​​a better future – yes, he sets such a goal. In this conversation, a conversation about the client’s future, they are interlocutors. The psychologist refuses the position of an expert; moreover, he invites the client to take this position in relation to his life and his role in it. In the course of moving towards this goal, an idea of ​​​​the desired result, the purpose of joint work, and this is a dimension of the future should be formed. And if before the start of work it was not there, or it was unclear, but in the course of work it appears and becomes clearer, then the emotional background also changes. Hope appears, and this is not a barren, rosy hope for the best, but a strong hope, based on the confidence of a person relying on his own resources, and it is this that allows him to move on to the determination to try and apply what has just been discussed with a consultant in his life. It is at this point in the work that the topic of a person’s responsibility for making changes in his life and his confident activity in business, in relationships, in life appears for the first time. Those. then, when it is clear what and how, when there is interest, attitude, and willingness to try! Note that this contrasts with the usual approach in psychotherapy, in which the client is literally forced from the very beginning of work to take responsibility for his life. This is when he has neither understanding, nor strength (activity), nor courage, but only despair and helplessness, experiencing a dead end... It is clear how annoying he is... Of course, changes of this kind are not a global change in a person’s character, but a change local, which has every chance to germinate in character, with proper support and success along the way. Which is already one of the tasks for long-term psychotherapy. But the beginning, the seeds for their subsequent growth, are laid precisely in short-term positive psychotherapy/consulting. Those. It is quite reasonable to consider CPC not only as an independent, self-sufficient direction, but also as the first stage in a long-term psychotherapeutic project. CPC works, like other modalities of psychotherapy, in three directions, but in a special way: - emotional experiences regarding current events and regarding these themselves experiences (meta-level, access to motivation for cognitive mastery and behavioral activity); - positive cognitive mastery - understanding of phenomena and connections, clarification and formation of ideas that release energy, strength and encourage the decision to act and the most productive activity; - constructive actions - productive activity of a person in space and time. It seems that trying to do something new in a difficult situation is easier and simpler than moving through expanding the understanding of oneself and the world around, searching for the true reasons, changing personal characteristics. However, this does not mean that the method is soIt’s very simple and deals precisely with symptomatic manifestations, and does not affect the underlying causes, no. But the point here is different: “In recent years, the traditional scientific method, based on the idea of ​​one truth, has been vigorously challenged in the social sciences. The central concept of the alternative view is that there are no exact (correct) explanations of causes, that all explanations of causes are arbitrary designations created in the mind of the observer. Rigid adherence to the concept can be “blinders on the eyes,” forcing each case to fit into the framework of a certain concept . As a result of this, psychotherapeutic influences should be limited only to those that are logically consistent with conceptual understanding. As an alternative (or addition) to the conceptual approach, the intuition of a professional is proposed. The intuition of a psychotherapist is formed from: personal experience; personal preferences; professional context (expectations, perceptions of superiors, colleagues , lead to the use of some methods and not the use of others); patient requests (one can imagine that patients come with an unconscious knowledge of what type of answers they need to hear from the therapist in order to feel help). A good psychotherapist is receptive to patients' needs and is willing to respond to reasonable requests. It is acceptable that psychotherapists, in order not to feel like puppets, then create such forms of understanding of the patients' problems that are consistent with what they told the patients. One can have a negative attitude towards the situation when the intuitive choice of the psychotherapist is determined by the limitations of his skill, the insignificant number or absence of alternative reactions "- writes A.M. Yalov (Short-term positive psychotherapy). There are many differences, one of them is a focus on the future. “Talking about the future, helping to set specific goals, has many more advantages. By envisioning a positive, good future for themselves, people begin to look at their difficulties in the present as a transitional phase, and not as an eternal debilitating situation. Today's hardships and trials can be seen as valuable learning experiences. Fantasies about the future generate optimism, help to think about possible ways to solve problems, increase patients’ awareness of the solutions they already have, see changes already taking place and understand how different people could contribute to the desired result,” writes A.M. Yalov (Short-term positive psychotherapy). “The future is a territory of uncertainty. And uncertainty can cause both anxiety and excitement. It has been noticed that when a person feels connected to his resources, he is inclined to be active, he boldly and decisively sets goals, thinks through plans and strives to achieve them, and realizes his potentials. When he does not feel such connections, he experiences anxiety about the future and is passive in his actions.” Therefore, in CPC, attention is paid to finding resources and establishing connections with them. Also, one of the differences of CPC is its broad reliance on people around the client. This results in two important things: - preventing a breakdown in the implementation of a trial solution and strengthening it, by taking into account the influence of the reference group; - relying on close people in the desire to resolve problems, expressing gratitude to them for their support, developing cooperative relationships, disseminating constructive communication and cooperation skills from dyadic interaction in psychotherapy to communication and interaction in the client’s social network. Focusing on the future does not mean that the past is prohibited, no. But it is under consideration specific to the CCP - “Foreseeing a positive future for oneself gives the ability to see one’s past as a resource, to recognize one’s successes and appreciate them, to see other people as allies rather than opponents,” writes Anatoly Mikhailovich. Supervision It is noteworthy that the PDA method can also be effectively and creatively applied in supervision practice. And not only within the framework of mentoring inteaching the PDA method itself, but also when analyzing difficult cases of psychotherapists of other modalities. It is precisely due to the creative potential of the CPC method, which suggests looking not so much for the true cause of the therapist’s difficulties, but rather for new possibilities for resolving the therapeutic situation... Supervision according to the SFBT model And in conclusion, parting words from the authorities of SFBT/CPC: Three “philosophical” rules of therapy focused on the solution of Insoo Kim Berg:1. Don't fix what isn't broken. Determining what is “not broken” is very subjective, and the therapist must have a very broad view of what is “appropriate” and “inappropriate,” since many of the differences are due to differences in culture and lifestyle.2. Once you know what works, do it again. It is much easier to increase the period of existing success than to master new and unusual forms of behavior.3. If something doesn't work, don't do it again. Do something different. Popular wisdom says: “If you are not successful, make new attempts,” leaving the choice between persistence and finding new ways. Anatoly Mikhailovich Yalov (psychologist, psychotherapist, CPC trainer): “My own experience in teaching short-term positive psychotherapy allows formulate three “parting words” for those starting to work in this manner: 1. Smile with the client.2. Efforts in “design” when introducing techniques are always helpful. They cannot be redundant.3. Don't skimp on praise. Express approval of the patient’s every move towards a solution.” It seems that similar rules can be easily applied in pedagogy, both organized and family, and in other areas of human interaction. My parting words are to open up to experience, create, play, search, discover new opportunities, both in therapy and in own life. I wrote in more detail about the main provisions of the method in previous articles, for example, in the first one: Psychotherapy in 4.5 (four and a half) meetings Now I find that the practice of the CPC method can be freely expanded beyond the boundaries of psychotherapy/counseling and can be successfully used without only by professional psychologists (and each of us is such a psychologist), but also in family and especially in organized pedagogy, in social work, in personnel management, in coaching, in interpersonal relationships. In this regard, I thought and decided to hold a seminar on PDA for everyone interested in the PDA method, and not just for professional psychologists. Thus, the seminar is open to professional psychologists, social workers, teachers, tutors, managers, trainers and other people interested in expanding their communication skills in interpersonal communication aimed at solving problems. And I invite you to participate in such a seminar in Moscow on October 29-30: https://www.b17.ru/trainings/positive_brief_counseling/ Professional psychologists are certified by the FPK Institute (http://counseling.su/) Other participants gain experience impressions and initial skills to apply in your life, as well as resolution of some of your problems. The seminar in Moscow, to my and my colleagues’ satisfaction, took place in the fall of 2016. And now I am ready to respond to proposals for organizing a seminar in other regions. Especially for those interested in short-term positive counseling, I opened a VKontakte page PDA/SFBT/therapy/supervision/training: https://vk.com/sfbt.therapy.supervisionWelcome! to get acquainted with the method as a first approximation, I offer: - texts, both my own (reflecting my understanding and my experience in the PDA) and my colleagues in the workshop, video materials (links on the VKontakte wall); - full-fledged consultation through Internet applications (in person in Tuapse ); - fellow psychologists - supervision according to the SFBT model (individually and in a group - please note - Virtual Club of Integrative Supervision - face-to-face seminar on PDA (3-5 days), with continuation. Professional psychologists are certified by the FPK Institute (links on my VKontakte page) - except for the face-to-face option, now from 2020!