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From the author: To find out why a person voluntarily engages in self-deception and at the same time throws dust in the eyes of other people, it is necessary to understand the definitions: lie, self-deception, truth, reality. How to stop deceiving yourself and others? If you ask yourself such a question, it means that you are already really entangled in a web of lies and cannot get out of it on your own. Your self-deception has gone too far. You cannot distinguish real events from desired ones and pass one off as the other. To find out why a person himself voluntarily engages in self-deception and at the same time throws dust in the eyes of other people, it is necessary to understand the definitions: lies, self-deception, truth, reality. A lie is a deliberate statement of false information. Self-deception occurs when a person convinces himself of the truth of a deliberately false fact. Truth can be denoted by one word - truth. The concept of reality implies many meanings, but if we consider it objectively, then it is a reasonable condition for the manifestation of the external and internal world. Exactly what we really imagine and feel, and not invent. One of the reasons for distorting reality and hiding the truth may be a harmless, at first glance, desire to attract the attention of others and the firm conviction that other methods will be ineffective. This is how the substitution of concepts occurs imperceptibly and the desired is presented as the real. A vicious circle arises and your game goes through several levels of lies. The first involves covert manipulation, that is, a person’s desire to change the perception of other people with deceptive information. Which can be very vague, inaccurate, with distorted facts and be ambiguous. And this is all in order to appear better or to avoid responsibility when confirming important details with facts. At the second level, there is already a need to maintain this self-deception and prove to everyone the reliability of your information. Thus, the “white lie” mechanism occurs. Since, if you do not support the initial incorrect truth, then serious problems cannot be avoided and the deception will be quickly exposed. The third level involves the ability to manipulate your interlocutor and is considered quite complex. Because the deceiver needs to react in time to the behavior of another and, with even greater sincerity, prove his lie. He is also convinced that only by telling lies can one gain trust and influence other people's beliefs. Thus, going through an endless labyrinth of lies, it becomes more and more difficult for you. And at each subsequent level, due to your deception and manipulation, they turn into a real web that is difficult to unravel without outside help. Therefore, it is important to tell yourself to stop. And admit that the path of deception has not yet helped a single person maintain true friendship, have adequate self-esteem and become truly happy. To recognize your own lies, it is not enough to tell yourself that you are lying and cannot do anything about it. Since you have decided to achieve the goal of telling the truth, then, first of all, you need to learn to hear your inner voice. Which should mean that if you want to get rid of a destructive habit, then this is your sincere desire. And since you have set such a task for yourself, it means you need to believe in the possibility of solving it to the end. To decide, it is important to see the obstacles along the way. There is a possibility of discovering fear in yourself, due to which deception occurs. Track your behavior throughout the day. It can be: passive, stereotypical and search. If you strive to maintain your intention to tell the truth, then your behavior should be searching. Despite unforeseen circumstances, you rule out lying as a way to solve the problem, and look for an alternative. A good way to wean yourself from lies and recognize them in others can be».