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How to identify a pedophile by appearance and behavior? In the previous article "How to identify a pedophile?" I wrote about hidden signs of pedophilia in men who like teenage girls (10-17 years old) https://www.b17.ru/article/kak_opredelit_pedofila/And in this article we will talk about obvious pedophiles who specifically like children under 10 years old, that is, girls (boys) with no signs of growing up at all. They are usually divided into 2 categories: - stupid (who do not know how to hide their “love” for children - cunning (who have learned to hide all their internal impulses and approach matters delicately) About stupid I won’t say much. These are mostly men who clearly show their affection and can pester children on playgrounds, on the street, in stores and without tactfully ask to touch themselves for candy or gifts. Often this is due to mental or genetic problems. deviations. If he talks about the appearance of “stupid” pedophiles, then it is clear that there is something wrong with the “uncle”: dirty and smelly clothes, unpleasant appearance (general impression of a person), disproportionate physique (head too large or small in relation to the body, a body that is too long or short in relation to the legs, huge arms, an “irregularly shaped” head (triangular or square), non-typical (prominent) facial features (protruding ears like a Cheburashka, large or too small ears, protruding forehead, strongly protruding back of the head , deep-set eyes, bulging eyes, massive jaw, large nose and flared nostrils) inappropriate behavior (nervous behavior, constantly darting eyes, like a mad dog) slurred speech (problems with pronunciation, sentence construction). With such people everything is clear. It is important to tell children that you cannot take anything from strangers and you cannot allow them to touch you. But the most difficult thing is with the cunning ones. They are more difficult to identify. Since their sympathy for children is harshly condemned by society, so they disguise themselves more strongly. They do not immediately show their sympathy. They know how to hide their emotions. Usually, due to politeness and helpfulness, they seem to be decent people. They are neat and smell nice. Often without a criminal record. They are afraid condemnation (excessive). Also, “cunning” people go into professions that provide them with free access to children (teachers, coaches, priests, etc.). What signs can indicate pedophilia (without molesting a child); when communicating with children, a person becomes excited (begins speaks and moves faster, sweats, dilates pupils); overly interested in the life of a particular child (asks about family relationships, inquires about the child’s schedule, hobbies and interests) communicates only with children who lack parental warmth and control (easy victims) overly helpful and polite constantly gives gifts to the child’s parents, treats the child, tries to often figure in the child’s life (meets him after school, kindergarten, store, on the way home). In appearance there may be the following signs: disproportionate physique and non-typical (prominent) facial features large and long (dangling) lobes ears (less often, absence of lobes) massive, protruding chin small eyes set too close or too far sparkling and shifty eyes Of course, these signs must be considered in their entirety. Based on one or even several signs, one cannot say that a person is a pedophile. If you want to talk about hobbies or passions that you are ashamed of, then I invite you to a consultation here or by phone +7 969 022 2585