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From the author: This article is addressed to specialists in the helping professions (psychologists, coaches, psychotherapists, etc.). Those whose product is a service. And to all those who are curious. Every novice practitioner, thinking about employment or private business, asks himself the questions: “Who are my clients?”, “Who do I want to work with?”, “Who can I be useful for?”, “How to determine the target audience?” And this is not so important when work finds you on its own, when you work in a government agency. But once you start promoting yourself, you realize that without answers to these questions, success will not come soon. The selected marketing strategies are like shooting sparrows out of a cannon - they work randomly. You can read about the importance of identifying the target audience from a marketing point of view, for example, in a marketer’s blog, but I’m still talking about psychology. It took me 8 months of practice, 4 sessions of personal coaching on the topic, more than 10 important questions to myself to realize with whom I'm the one who wants to work. And today, while the feeling of the insight I received is especially inspiring, I want to share with you how to identify an ideal client for yourself! So, what questions to ask yourself in order to understand WHO your clients are? First of all, I recommend updating the information about yourself as a person in your head . Questions to Consider: What is your experience? What is your passion? What is your personal story of change? Who is your heart? Now imagine that you are your ideal client. Who surrounds you? Where are you? What do you see around? Do you hear? Do you feel it? What do you do? What is your occupation? What is your hobby? What abilities, knowledge, skills do you have? What is your temperament, character? What are your values, beliefs, habits? What are the problems? What are your goals? Who are you? Now look through the eyes of your ideal client at yourself as a specialist. Who are you? What are you aiming for? What are your values, beliefs, habits? What are your abilities, knowledge, skills? What is your temperament and character? What do you do? What are your hobbies? Where is information about you? Where are you? What do you see around? Do you hear? Do you feel?How useful are you to your ideal client? What value can you offer him? Imagine yourself as a specialist in interacting with your client. Who do you become when you interact and achieve your goal? I suggest we stop here. Put it all together. Who do you want to work with? What steps are important for you to take to be the ideal specialist for your ideal client? What will be the first step? PS Despite a long search, the answer turned out to be simple. You could even say that I had it from the very beginning... Look around, your clients are already waiting for you! The article uses questions from the “My Ideal Client” technique, provided by Evgeny Bakharev, business consultant, ICF coach; questions from the workshop “The Path of the Heart” by Olga Rybina, Master Certified Coach ICF.