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“Some people believe that inclusion is needed to make people with disabilities more comfortable, but this is an inherently non-inclusive approach. It is needed to make people more comfortable in principle. We are all different. No two are alike, even if they are twins. This difference allows us to learn from each other, be more patient, kinder to each other and - as loud as it may sound - become better people. Because a person needs a person. Inclusion is about the team, about community and about the emotional maturity of society.” Natalia IgnatenkoPR Director of the portal PLANETA.RU Inclusive education has become a priority area in the field of education, striving to provide equal learning opportunities to all children, including those with intellectual disabilities. However, the purpose of inclusive education is not only limited to providing access to education, it also plays an important role in the socialization of children with intellectual disabilities. Socialization is the process through which children and youth learn to function in society by developing skills to interact, adapt and understand other people. For children with intellectual disabilities, socialization may be more challenging, but it is critical to their overall development and future success. Inclusive Education and Socialization Equal Opportunity Inclusive education provides children with intellectual disabilities with equal opportunities to learn with their peers without disabilities. This creates an environment in which they can develop social skills such as interacting with other children and participating in social activities. Unique Needs Inclusive education also trains teaching staff to take into account the unique needs of each child. This allows for the creation of individualized approaches to learning and supports children with intellectual disabilities in the process of socialization. Positive influences Research shows that children who participate in inclusive education have more positive social interactions and close relationships with other children. This helps them develop skills of cooperation, empathy and understanding of diversity. Inclusive education is an effective means of socializing children with intellectual disabilities. It promotes equal opportunity, accommodates unique needs, and promotes positive social interactions. The development of inclusive education must continue to ensure a brighter future for all children. List of used literature: Inclusive education in Russia. Let's unite for the sake of children. UNICEF Publishing House. - M.: 2014. P. 9-10 Nigmatov Z. G., Akhmetova D. Z., Chelnokova T. A. Inclusive education: history, theory, technology. Publishing house COGNITION. 2014. – 220 pp. Inclusive education. Issue No. 1 / Fadina A.K., Semago N.Ya., Alekhina S.V. - M.: School Book Center, 2010. - C.132