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How to strengthen your stability in a situation of uncertainty and find points of internal and external support? The more unstable the external situation, the stronger the foundation of internal supports should be. How , with the help of whom and what can you strengthen the “supporting structures” of your own personality? Where can I get "building material"? Support points: ✅INFORMATION: limit the excessive flow of information, thereby improving the emotional background and reducing bodily tension, be selective about its sources, trusting only official ones, filtering emotional retellings and gossip of others; reduce your viewing of news feeds on social networks (or abandon it altogether), or view only those resources, after contact with which you feel a surge of strength and energy, and feel an improvement in your emotional state. The same applies to the choice of books and films. ✅PEOPLE: Try to make communication with your family as comfortable as possible, pay attention to your spouse, play, read with your children, and also maintain audio and video communication with friends and colleagues. Share with your loved ones and friends your past experience of overcoming crisis life situations, personal ways of obtaining resource states, tell each other about the positive experience of living in previously difficult life situations, you can conduct a joint brainstorming about ways and tools to overcome them. It is necessary to search for solutions, conversations, memories of pleasant trips together, and also dreams of desired events in the future, without regard to current restrictions, with the hope of optimistic developments.✅BODY: healthy care for physical well-being, good sleep at night and 15 -minutes during the day, taking vitamins, healthy food in moderation, self-massage, massage and sex, hugs, a warm bath with aromatic foam or a contrast invigorating shower, home sports in its various forms - from yoga to strength training, meditation to relaxing music with visualization of bodily sensations and pleasant states, conscious breathing techniques, a cup of aromatic warm cocoa. ✅HOME: a place of rest, relaxation and restoration. Make sure that you feel good and cozy in it. Find or arrange your own personal, just your space, make it as comfortable as possible for yourself. Designate the boundaries of your space for family members. Clean up the order, rearrange the furniture, perhaps refresh the familiar interior, fill your home with your favorite smells, sort out the accumulated rubble from photos and videos, make selections in order to arrange photo albums or make videos in the future.✅TRADITIONS allow you to feel stability: for example, all the family gathers for breakfast on Saturday morning; The process of cooking and eating rituals can become enjoyable, fulfilling and inspiring events of the day, now is the perfect time to experiment in the kitchen. Preparing dinner together can bring family members together and create a favorable atmosphere, allowing you to feel a sense of community with loved ones. Before bed - a favorite book, on Fridays - watching a movie, and on Sundays - board games. ✅ CULTURE: favorite or postponed films, new cinema, audio and video performances, books, paintings hanging on the walls in the house, favorite music. Now many concerts and performances have become available online for free on the Internet, access to virtual excursions to different cities and world museums, as well as new book releases is open. and discoveries in your field of activity or close to it, mastering related professions or completely new ones: now many online platforms have provided free access to educational resources, including access to learning foreign languages.✅CREATIVITY. Be creative and create everything that brings you positive.