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Every day we choose something, this is probably not a secret. We choose: What to eat for breakfast; What movie to watch; Who to spend Saturday evening with. We also choose: A partner for a long-term relationship; A job of our dreams or not a dream; A place to live. And of course, we choose: Our reaction to the actions of a loved one; Our way of thinking; Attitude to the world. We choose everything, every day. Even if some points seem to have been decided by themselves, most likely it was an unconscious choice. But even an unconscious choice is a choice, something that one way or another can determine our life. Each of us bears full responsibility for our lives from the moment we are freed from parental (and other) care. Even if we deny it, even if we entrust responsibility for our lives to another person. Or, to put it more correctly, we are trying to hand it over. And it is these elections that happen every minute and every day that create the world for each of us. We have a very serious responsibility in our hands, don’t we? How can we not regret our choice in this case? When the life scenario of you and you and you can depend on it...I’ll say this. It is in this case that the skill of freeing yourself from feelings of regret and pity about your various choices is useful. The less we regret our past choices, the more resources we will have to constructively change our reactions and behavior, creating around us what we really need to. How to free yourself from negative feelings about your choices? First you need to accept that the choice has already been made and was made in the past. Next, you need to accept the results in the present to which this choice led. And, of course, you need to accept all the feelings that arise when you remember this choice. After accepting it all, you can let it go - let it go in the way that seems most acceptable to you: for example, tearing a piece of paper, or throwing a pen far away, or shouting it with full power. Whatever suits you. Liberation is often the best thing we can do in order not to carry around a bag of regrets and irritation with ourselves for the wrong actions, the wrong results. I welcome your feedback in the comments. © Maria Zalesskaya. All rights reserved