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From the author: Attitude towards yourself I was recently asked a question, how to love myself. Today we will talk about this topic. The bible says: love your neighbor as yourself. I’m not talking about religion now, but about the instructions in it. It turns out that you come first. And your attitude towards others as towards yourself. But in life, some forgot this instruction and went into the forest, some to collect firewood, creating problems for themselves in life. And right now let’s put together the most common statements about self-love. You have to love yourself, how can you love others if you don’t love yourself, how you treat yourself is how they will treat you. We will not deal with the investigation, we will analyze the cause itself. There are many reasons why a person doesn’t love himself. Some do not accept themselves for their character, others for small achievements, others for their appearance, others for short-sightedness, the list is long and I want to reveal a great secret - if you want to find shortcomings in yourself, you will find them, and even if they are not there, you will invent them. There would be a desire, but there would be time and imagination for this. I want to make you happy that there is not a single person on our Earth who does not have shortcomings. Maybe this will make you feel better. Often, women come up with an ideal, a certain image for themselves, and when they compare this ideal image with the original, that is, with themselves at that moment a big difference in parameters is visible and at that moment non-acceptance of oneself is born. And non-acceptance is no longer self-love. This is where it all begins. You see that all women are different: tall and plump and slender and small and strong and this is wonderful, imagine that you are like in a fairy tale, voice to voice, hair to hair. Oh, we men would be bored out of our minds. But let's continue, some women, in pursuit of the ideal image, begin to copy other women. They copy their gaits, their clothes, their hairstyles and their makeup, and they even change their body parts through surgery. But a copy will never be valued as an original. And in the pursuit of all this, one’s uniqueness and originality are lost. And all these changes have not made many happy; this pursuit of the ideal image can become eternal. One day, smart people got together and decided to create an ideal woman in computer graphics, taking the shapes of the body parts of famous women. Their expectations were not justified; the image of the woman turned out to be fantastically ugly. Every woman has something mysterious, attractive and worthy of admiration. They just love where there is no comparison. We come to the conclusion that ideal and reality are enemies. In nature there is a rose flower, there is a lotus flower. Which of these colors is more harmonious and beautiful? Did you answer? There will be different opinions, since everyone has different tastes. Therefore, some men are crazy about slender people, others are crazy about plump people, others are crazy about tall people, others are crazy about being petite, some are crazy about smart people, others are crazy about... I completely forgot, a rose doesn’t dream of being a lotus, and a lotus doesn’t dream of being a rose. What’s interesting is that they don’t even try to do this. And they live in their real world, enjoying life and pleasing our eyes, they do not have nervous breakdowns and they do not need psychotherapists. Have a nice day.