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From the author: There is no person who does not set important goals for himself. And even if these goals are very different from each other - after all, for some it is important to educate a child, for others to earn a million, and for others to lose weight before the summer - but the effectiveness of achieving them, for all people, depends on the same factors , which I will tell you about. There is no person who does not set important goals for himself. And even if these goals are very different from each other - after all, for some it is important to educate a child, for others to earn a million, and for others to lose weight before the summer - but the effectiveness of achieving them, for all people, depends on the same factors , about which I will tell you. To begin with, you have an important goal in life. To achieve it, you need to take certain actions, focus your behavior on those processes that will lead to the goal. And continue to go towards the goal when you don’t want to and obstacles arise on the way. So, achieving the goal depends on your behavior. The achievement and effectiveness of goals is in the hands of your behavior and actions. And what does your behavior depend on? After all, very often, even when you know what you need to do to achieve your goal, you don’t do it. Because it is not enough to focus on behavior, you need to look deeper - why does a person do what he does? Your behavior depends on how and what you think. If thinking about your goal creates fear or despair, will your behavior be effective? And how often it happens that when faced with difficulties, a person begins to think that this is not at all the goal that he wants to achieve and that this goal is not at all that important for him. And stopping at this moment, he finds a new goal, with which everything is exactly repeated, as with the previous one - the goals are not achieved. But what do your thoughts depend on that stop you or reduce your effectiveness on the path to achieving your goal? Your thoughts depends on how you feel. It is important to pause here for a moment and say that your feelings greatly influence your thoughts, and also your thoughts influence your feelings. But feelings are dominant and understanding what you feel is of paramount importance on the effectiveness of the process. If something bothers you very much, irritates you, scares you, then the thought: “You just don’t need to worry about it / be afraid of it” will not help you. Such thoughts will not stop your worries. Because how you feel depends on the emotions that you experience at a particular moment. If your emotions change, your feelings, thoughts, behavior will change and this will affect the results you strive for. But aren't feelings and emotions the same thing? No. And understanding what feelings and emotions are plays an important role in the entire process of your effectiveness. Emotions arise without a person’s awareness and therefore we do not have the opportunity to choose (but we have the opportunity to influence, more on this below) what emotions we want to experience. But an emotion that a person is aware of (its impulse reaches your brain and you are able to process this information) “turns” into a feeling. Different emotions live in any person at every moment. Always (as long as he breathes and is alive). But do we always feel this? No. And each person’s ability to recognize emotions and experience (feel) them is different. And this ability is critical for a person’s quality of life. As I wrote above, we do not have the ability to choose emotions, but we have the ability to influence them, and therefore, in order to change your emotions you need to understand what they depend on. Emotions depend on the physiology of a particular person. Physiology is the process by which your brain receives messages from your body about what is happening to it. The information your body sends to your brain all influences what emotions arise in your body. In English, the word “emotion” is “e” + “motion”, that is, energy + movement. A physiological process in which each organ of your body tells the brain what is happening to it (the organ) and creates emotions. You can't tell your heart what it's like