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Coaching is a breakthrough into the future! Coaching is perhaps the most effective way to solve a wide variety of life problems today. Moreover, for a coach it does not matter in what area of ​​life these tasks lie: business, career, personal life, hobbies or something else. In any case, coaching consistently produces high results. Coaching allows the client to clearly define his task, find the optimal way to solve it, fully realize his potential and increase his personal effectiveness. Every person already has a solution to any problem they face. Coaching allows you to find this solution, clearly formulate it and implement it. Coaching is not advice and guidance, not consulting or training. Coaching is first and foremost about questions. Questions that a coach asks his client. The process of finding answers to the coach’s questions allows the client to take a fresh look at the situation, find a solution, sometimes completely unexpected, and discover hidden opportunities that he had not previously suspected. Every person has enormous potential and can solve almost any problem that may arise in life. And our task is to help the client reveal his potential during the coaching process, to reveal his internal resources. And, of course, implement them in order to solve the problem. In addition, Coaching is an effective style of personnel management in business. Management in the Coaching style allows you to achieve much greater results than the directive leadership style that is widespread today. The use of coaching can significantly increase the productivity of employees, make fullest use of their potential in the interests of the business, and increase their motivation. Coaching facilitates the delegation of authority and significantly saves working time. A coach is most often approached by people who have already achieved something in life, but at the same time want to achieve even more. They contact us because they want to improve the quality of their life, their personal effectiveness, achieve greater life balance, or solve any specific problems. This is quite natural for a modern person. And Coaching is perfect for this. At each coaching session, a number of qualitative changes occur: the problem turns into a specific task, a clearly formulated task. Life goals and priorities are determined and clarified. Hidden resources are discovered. And, what is very important, a positive approach to solving any life problems and tasks is adopted, a new algorithm for solving them. Of course, coaching is not a panacea. If the client does not want to change anything in his life, then the coach is unlikely to be able to help him with anything. The point is that a coach always follows the client's interest. And if there is no interest, then there is no coaching. Coaching helps those who really want positive changes in their lives and are ready for them. It is useful for those who are ready to take action to achieve their goal. This is where coaching is truly effective. Coaching works great in almost any field of activity. A professional coach helps solve real problems in any area of ​​a person’s life. However, there are a number of areas where coaching is most effective: Solving a specific problem. Coaching in this area helps to clarify the problem, find the most effective ways to solve it, allows you to correctly set priorities and find all the necessary resources. This is especially true for business coaching, when you need to find the optimal solution to a specific business problem. Increasing personal effectiveness. Here coaching is aimed, first of all, at removing behavioral and mental restrictions that interfere with achieving success in life or in a particular business. In the process of coaching, a person significantly expands the boundaries of what is possible for himself, develops a new model of behavior and communication that best suits his goals. In addition, coaching allows you to discover hidden resources and fully!!!