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The call for self-isolation during quarantine is not coming from the iron now. Adults and mature people understand the seriousness of the situation, but... not everyone is psychologically ready for isolation, even understanding the problem. I'm not even talking about children and teenagers whose consciousness does not recognize, understand or accept this forced act. What to do in order not to lose your mind during the peak period, so that you can wait for a happy ending in a state of psychological health?! First and most important, you need to clearly understand for yourself: this is a forced and temporary situation! Second, use the weekend that “fell from the sky like manna from heaven,” or rather the vacation, for the benefit of yourself and your family. Finally, the Lord heard you and gave you the opportunity to stop from the “rat race”. Devote time to yourself and your loved ones. Get some sleep! Master your culinary skills! Make yourself and your loved ones happy with them. Books! Great movie. Spring-cleaning! Think about hobbies and board games! We are all so used to virtual communication, and no one is taking it away from us! And finally, nature, whoever has a dacha, now is a great time to do useful things in the house and garden! Uncertainty and fear increase stress. Therefore, plan in advance what you will do during this period, write everything down on paper, follow this plan, as in a normal working period, mark completed activities and tasks. This will help you feel some kind of stability! Distribute your strength (physical and emotional) not over a week, but for example over a month (just in case). Balance your diet and physical activity, dance, finally, in the evenings! The main thing is not to panic, accept your emotions: you can be angry and anxious, because a certain way of life has been lost, people have left their comfort zone! And these are certainly changes, changes that make us better, give us the opportunity to look back at life and possibly take a different path or improve our correct path by analyzing it and drawing conclusions. Everyone chooses their own. If you need support, I'm always there. I'm sure we can handle it!!!!