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It is important to prepare for conception. It is believed that just as we carry a child for 9 months, we need to prepare for conception in 9 months. More and more clients began to come to me for psychotherapeutic consultations on infertility, whose last chance of conceiving with the help of IVF. In the age of propaganda and prosperity of naturalness, femininity, where everything speaks of naturalness and environmental friendliness, they have to realize the most intimate moment in their lives with the help of Technologies. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART), which include in vitro fertilization. This causes internal conflict. On the one hand, many gentler methods have already been tried, and there was even a period of simply waiting for everything to be resolved by itself. On the other hand, resistance or unpreparedness for this method of conception leaves them inactive, and time passes. Bringing clients to the realization that this is what pushes them away from IVF, most of them say that conception should occur in Love, and not in test tube, that technical progress and conveyor belt reception in ART clinics are displacing the participation of parents in the process as such, that there is a fear of how this “artificial” method will affect the health of the woman and child. I can say frankly: largely for the same reasons, several years ago I I left IVF myself, but not as a patient, but as a fertility doctor! At that time I was already a mother twice, and despite my usual focus on successful professional growth, the sensual side awakened in me thanks to Motherhood and the endless delight at the miracle of birth Man through Man, “prevented” me from not noticing that IVF couples in the clinic do not have such sensations. Surely they exist, but they certainly hide very deeply behind fears, worries, distrust of their body, lack of understanding of what they are “doing” to them now and what will happen next. Doses of medications, clock hands, dates......don’t forget everything, and don’t get confused about what happens and in what order. Anxiety completely blocks the joy of meeting a long-awaited baby and displaces awareness. I just realized then that the System itself, many doctors who dissolve in it as excellent specialists in their work, are aimed primarily at the result! However, Conception and Motherhood is a Process! A life-long process! This is a long-term laying of the foundation in the relationship between a man and a woman, between parents and a child, this is an important stage in strengthening the Family, and in the absence of such an understanding of its separation. Talking with the majority of married couples, even then as my patients, a clear message came a vision of how the partners were each on their own, in their own personal stories. Stories of disappointment, feeling inferior or inferior to your partner, passing on responsibility, fear of the unknown, the possibility of failure, as well as exhaustion from wasted energy and finances. That’s when I followed Myself in search of answers on how to remain Alive despite a medical diagnosis , Trusting and Loving. How to get to the source of the problem, and not work with its consequence. How to help the Family not to be destroyed in the pursuit of a child, but to be complemented and cultivate new qualities of a Parent. It was a very difficult decision, but each master has his own Craft, and I really like becoming a Master in my real business, to follow the path true to myself! Today, as a perinatal psychologist, I know HOW it is in IVF. And I know a lot more about motherhood and the importance of preparing for it. About how important it is for a woman to get to know herself as a future Mother. And how important it is to ask yourself an honest question: why do you really need a child and what a woman is ready to do for him. Then in this answer-insight a huge source of resources opens up or a liberating exhalation from admitting to oneself that one is not ready. Despite the fact that we humans have long violated many laws of Nature, I really believe that God continues to love us and gives us another opportunity, even through science, to experience the happiness of being