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In the last article, I started to analyze the topic of why I can’t write to a man first if we had a date and I really liked him. Let’s continue.4. The man is married. He weighed the pros and cons and made the adult decision of a decent family man that he does not need a mistress in this life, his wife or his girlfriend is more than enough for him.5. I want to get married. A woman’s clock can be ticking, but a man thinks that he will have time for everything and is not planning a serious relationship, he is happy with everything in his life, he likes his trips 5 times a year, the fact that he calmly brings girls and no one tells him Can't stand the brain, doesn't get boring. He lives a free life, and he does not need any stability in the form of a woman. In your eyes, he saw the need to have children, to have a wedding. That is, you began to pose a threat to his usual rhythm and way of life.6. He is afraid. This happens less often, but it can still happen. He liked you so much that he can’t control himself and he doesn’t like himself like that, his hands are shaking, his mouth is dry, he becomes so ridiculous, absurd, he talks all sorts of wild things, and he understands perfectly well that he is very vulnerable in life. such a position that you can reject him, but he is not ready for this. In order not to suffer in this relationship, not to ruin everything, he remains silent, and then it may turn out that when he has ceased to be afraid, thoughts may arise on low self-esteem, that, probably, you have already forgotten about him, so much time has passed that I will call like a fool, that is, various fears can prevail over a person and not give him the opportunity to take those same steps forward.7. Loner He is used to living alone and exclusively for himself. Such a man, in principle, is sorry for the time, sorry for the money spent communicating with a woman. He is greedy even for emotions, for feelings, for giving in a relationship, it’s a pity to give you at least some attention, there is such a high degree of egocentrism for everything. In these 7 points, I listed the main points why a man may not call, think about which of the above applies specifically to your case. In the next article I will draw a detailed conclusion on this topic, talk about how you should work with your condition if a man has disappeared. Sincerely, your psychologist Daria Viktorovna Lyapkalo. If you want to analyze your individual case and find a solution , then sign up for a consultation Telegram, WhatsApp +7 952 246 08 60 Sign up for a therapeutic group for people in codependent relationships (online).