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I used to not fully understand the meaning of the word “ease” in life. Until one person told me that he was learning ease from me. He explained that I have certain things that allow me to achieve everything without effort or special expenses. These are the ingredients for a state of lightness. He could not list these elements. He just said that he was simply observing and copying behavior patterns. And only after a while, when I had to spend a lot of effort to achieve a minimum of results, I realized what I had lost. And the components for lightness became clear. Lightness is essentially the same as efficiency. The more a person has internal harmony, self-confidence, a clear position, internal and external supports, the easier it is for him to achieve. What are the components of these supports that a person relies on, that support him, helping to maintain his integrity, internal resource state, confidence ?What exactly does a person have who lives easily, easily builds the right environment and achieves the goal easily? Answer: internal and external supports. What do we rely on within ourselves? Our health. Our genetics. Our physical and emotional state of the body. Our abilities, natural talents, our set, a unique combination of qualities. Controlled flow state, controlled natural force. Our values, built in agreement, hierarchy. Our useful beliefs. Our habitual unconscious strategies, unique to us, which help us achieve success. Our knowledge and abilities, skills, competencies These are our desires, faith, desirable images, useful mental programs And what external supports? If they are lined up, then a person can easily achieve everything. These are family ties. These are friends, partners, colleagues. This is our professional fulfillment, the flow of clients. This is the realization of our talents. These are “our” people: communities, companies... These are material things: property, home, finances... Between internal and external there is a connection between the supports. The weakening of the internal supports affects the weakening of the external ones. I will give an example. I once presented my services to a business owner. But he refused: “I can handle it myself, I easily get out of any difficult situations.” I wondered: “Wasn’t there a period in your life when it was hard for you and you needed outside help?” The leader answered wisely: “There were periods when I began to doubt myself. And we had to make a choice: either to preserve the friendship or to maintain the business. When I moved to a new level and doubted whether I had enough qualities? When inside I couldn’t determine what was important to myself. But as soon as I resolved the internal conflict, I easily overcame situations when everything and everyone was against me.” Weakening external supports requires strengthening internal ones so as not to lose the state of harmony, confidence and lightness. For example, when my mother fell ill and required daily care, this globally affected all areas of my life and my inner state. Heavy lifting led to back injuries. External restrictions led to internal restrictions. And in order to regain my former lightness, I worked a lot with myself, building my internal positions in a new way, changing my usual strategies... It is clear that the more supports, internal and external, the easier it is for us to choose, easier to overcome, easier to build our position , it’s easier to attract exactly your people and everything is easier with them J)) When there are supports, it’s easy to be spontaneous and natural, to enjoy life. Let’s look at a simple example of negotiations. Imagine that you know for sure that you have enough qualities and competence, enough information and skills to negotiate. You will have a resourceful state, and intuition will work for you as much as possible. You will act according to the situation. You will enjoy the negotiation process, listen carefully to your interlocutor and act as efficiently as possible. Or the opposite situation. You are well prepared. BUT... You doubt your qualities, you are not aware of your!