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The frantic pace of life, constant stress, great intellectual and physical stress, growing responsibility for family and children - all this can take too much energy and drain a person emotionally. I think that everyone has encountered such a condition, when you have no strength, you don’t want anything at all, complete apathy, fatigue. So where does it go, our energy? Let’s try to understand ourselves a little and in what situations our energy decreases. * Unfinished tasks or unfinished work, perfectionism - the brain keeps this constantly in a visible place, hence the tension and drain of energy; * Doubts - the choice is connected with responsibility. What if I make the wrong choice and lose the available resource. *Lies - supporting fictitious stories and images is also an energy-consuming process; *Protracted conflicts, resentments, isolation (which leads to stress), etc. - a person is tense, constantly replaying his unfinished work in his head conflict and this takes a lot of strength (energy); *Fear, mistrust, hostility (towards life, towards a person) - the body is focused, it is at the limit, in war and tension mode, which means it is depleted quickly; *Internal dialogue, obsessive thoughts , anxiety, fussiness - the head is “working” all the time, generating answers, looking for a way out. And this, accordingly, takes a lot of effort; * Disruption of the daily and sleep patterns, nutrition - no comments here; THE BEST REST IS A CHANGE OF ACTIVITY, HAVE YOU HEARD THIS? SOMETIMES IT IS NECESSARY TO REDUCE YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS. ON THE RUG, IN THE HALL OR IN THE FOREST, ON THE SEASHORE, BUT SO NOT THINKING ABOUT ANYTHING; Now look at the above points and answer which specific point is your energy absorber.P. Our attitude towards life influences us. More precisely, our habitual reaction to situations in which we find ourselves. But if you think carefully and be honest, then we ourselves choose how to react to certain circumstances. In fact, you can learn to react VERY differently. And if you are wondering how this is possible, then you can sign up for a personal consultation by calling +375447389769 A1+375295478123 MTS