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From the author: Be sure to visit my websites: Interview dated December 11, 2013. Dedicated to the topic of hypnosis. What is this? What types of it are practiced? And also answers to many other questions that interest you. Text version! The interview covered the following questions: What is hypnosis? What types of hypnosis are there? What is classical hypnosis? What is Ericksonian hypnosis? Regressive hypnosis and hypnotic progression. What goals can be achieved in a state of altered consciousness? What is hypnotizability? A high degree of hypnotizability is good or bad? Does hypnosis depend on the expectations and motivation of the target? What diseases can be cured with hypnosis? Do physical influences play any role on a person when introducing him into hypnosis? What role do room illumination, room temperature, sound accompaniment when introducing a person into hypnosis. The meaning of the emotional mood of the object of influence. How can you see fragments from a past life in a state of hypnotic trance? Presenter: Hello, today our guest is hypnotherapist Vitaly Glushkov. Vitaly, you have the floor. Tell us, what is hypnosis? Vitaly: Hypnosis is a certain process when a person is in a state of hypnotic trance, the therapist performs certain therapeutic procedures on him. Presenter: What is meant by the state of hypnotic trance? Vitaly: This is an intermediate state between wakefulness and sleep, that is, a person is not asleep, but he is not awake either. And the deepest states of trance are closer to sleep, and in many ways similar to sleep. Presenter: And according to biological indicators, the processes are also similar to sleep? Vitaly: Yes, also similar to sleep. Presenter: Pulse, pressure? Vitaly: Pulse changes , the pressure changes, yes, they are similar. The rhythms also change in the brain. Presenter: Vitaly, tell us what types of hypnosis there are? Vitaly: Well, here we can more likely divide it into classical hypnosis, probably also into Ericksonian hypnosis. But this division is unclear. That is, the therapist can combine these methods, that is, start with one thing and continue with another method. Well, the differences, the differences are that in our country classical hypnosis was more widespread. What it is? That is, we put a person into a trance and act there with some kind of direct suggestions. That is, we tell him directly, “You feel this, that, that.” For example, this method of encoding, yes, alcohol addiction, from smoking, was popular in our country.. Presenter: Was this done by hypnosis? Vitaly: Yes. Presenter: That is, it was possible to hypnotize a person so that he would not drink alcohol? Vitaly: That is. the point was that a person was put into a trance and there they told him that vodka was poison. Presenter: Did it work? Vitaly: Did it work. Presenter: For how long? Vitaly: They coded there for a number of years, yes, for a certain period of time and They say that it works, but the period is slightly shorter than the coding period. Presenter: What changes at the end of the period? Does a person stop believing that alcohol is poison? Vitaly: It’s just a suggestion, yes. That is, they tell the person... He paid the money there, and they tell him: “It will be valid for such and such a period.” Just a moment of suggestion. But what’s bad is that they didn’t remove the reason that a person there is addicted to some habit, for example, that he drinks. That is, he drinks because of something, yes, but no one worked there with this reason. That is, they told him that alcohol is poison, vodka is poison, that is, with this new conviction he returned home, and he has the same life, the same friends, the same circle, for example, there are friends who They also drink. And so they suggested to him that vodka is poison. Presenter: So, after this period he stops thinking like that? Or does he just look at his watch, five years have passed there, and he is joyful - “oops, five years have passed - that’s it, vodka is not poison”? Vitaly: At some level he also thinks, yes, that vodka is poison . Well, that's logical. Yes, if you drink or eat something, it makes you feel bad, thenThis is not good for the body. But simply because of the technology with which it was done, they gave such a suggestion that it would be valid there for a certain period of time. A person was even afraid at this level, that is, this is such an unconscious suggestion, that is, when a person was immersed deeply in a trance, and that is, at once, his criticality was greatly reduced. Yes, and interestingly, there were even reverse experiments, that is, they poured water into a glass, told the person that it was vodka, he drank and he became intoxicated from the water. Presenter: Impressive. And now about the second type of hypnosis. Vitaly: Ericksonian hypnosis. Well, it didn’t originate here at all, it originated in the United States of America. Presenter: Does the name come from the specialist’s surname? Vitaly: Yes. Specialist Erickson. That’s how they took it for the name of Ericksonian hypnosis. There the approach is a little different. That is, it is for such people who doubt. If in classical hypnosis they say that “you feel warmth there,” for example, then in Ericksonian hypnosis they tell a person “you can feel warmth” or warmth may come. What is it for? So what if a person doesn’t feel warm? That is, in classical hypnosis, that is, they tell him “you feel warmth,” but you don’t feel it, for example, a person feels that this is a failure, that this is not right. The therapist says one thing, but it doesn’t add up. And there, in Ericksonian hypnosis, there are more streamlined concepts. Presenter: For some reason, I remembered Descartes’ methodological principle of doubt. Well, how to doubt everything and question everything, and here, warmth - perhaps warmth. Vitaly: There, for example, there is also the concept of Therapeutic metaphor in Ericksonian hypnosis. That is, in a trance, a person is told a certain story, which somehow correlates with his case. That is, it is like an indirect suggestion. A person thinks, yes, that means, even if this is some kind of fairy tale told in a trance, and there some characters successfully solve this problem, in some way that he has. And in a trance, this method of solution comes to this person. Maybe there after the session, a few days later, maybe right after it. This is not a direct suggestion, they don’t directly tell him “do this and that, you feel this and that.” That is, he is so flexible, Ericksonian hypnosis. Presenter: Impressive. Regressive hypnosis is not a type of hypnosis? Vitaly: You could say that it is a type. Regressive hypnosis is simply a journey into the past. From the moment in which a person is now and practically there without restrictions, into the past. Presenter: Is it possible to go into the future? Vitaly: Yes. That is, traveling to the past is hypnotic regression, and traveling to the future is hypnotic progression. Presenter: Well, if we assume how hypnotic regression works, the average person can remember by activating memory cells there. How does progressive hypnosis work? Vitaly: It’s just fantasy, imagination, fantasy. For example, a person needs to make a choice, well, something simple, stay at work, in the service or quit, he cannot make a choice, for example, he doesn’t like it there, but the salary is good, he thinks “well, should I leave or not.” Then what does he do, a hypnotic progression into the future along one path, where he remains at work, that is, in a year, in five, in ten, in twenty, what will happen to him, and then along the second path. And he looks at what could happen to him if he chooses one path or another. And then it’s easier for him to decide. Presenter: At the same time, from practical experience, these paths are really fundamentally different? Vitaly: Well, different, yes. If he either remains on the same path as he was doing before or he chooses a new direction. But this is of course not a real future, it’s just a fantasy, but it is highly probable. He will follow this path, as he imagines, in general terms. Presenter: In Taoism they say that a person has one path that he follows. Vitaly: There is something in this too. Presenter: and that no matter what, everything he's on him anywaywill return. Vitaly: Well, that is, like fate. Presenter: like fate, yes. But they say that “you can’t escape fate.” No matter what you do, circumstances will still return you to your course. Vitaly: Yes. And there is another approach. Which says that every second of our lives we make a choice - to do one thing or another. This is a completely different approach. But both have the right to exist. Presenter: And from the point of view of astrologers, there is an opinion that, about fate, that there are people, there are several types of people, and here is one type of people who have a fatal horoscope - and where they actually follow strictly their line of destiny, and no matter what happens in their life, some circumstances will still return them to this path of life. And the most diametrically opposed people are the opposite, those who do not have such a clear line of fate. And indeed, every second they make a choice and everything changes. By the way, astrologers told me that I belong to the latter. And that no amount of God’s power will guide me on the right path. Vitaly: There is something in this, certain advantages. Presenter: that I am such a humpty dumpty in life and everything depends on my every decision, and no one will help me decide. Vitaly : That’s good, you can choose. Presenter: But it’s also more dangerous. Vitaly: Well, on the other hand, if everything was predetermined, then it wouldn’t be that interesting. Then no matter what you do, you will still get to your final destination. That is, she will not change. This is boring. Presenter: But the same girl who told me about this, she just has a fatal horoscope, and sometimes she gave some examples from life that there were some dangerous situations, but still Everything was just something she imagined and seemed to do, and she avoided all the dangers, well, in general, yes, her whole life without any adventures. Very smooth and stable. Vitaly: Well, you see, like before, in Soviet times there was a Soviet cartoon called the wise gudgeon. Do not remember? When he was afraid of everything all his life, he did not swim out of the house, and lived there all his life. And already in old age, the following thought came to him: “Why have I lived all my life in my house - I need to look out, see what’s there,” and he swam out from there and was eaten by a pike, it seems. Presenter: Great. Okay, so I was sitting in the house. So, Vitaly, tell us what goals can be achieved in a state of altered consciousness? That is, a hypnotic trance. What can you get? Recall? Maybe realize? Predict? Vitaly: We talked about the future, yes, if you need to make a choice, help with a choice, decide. About the past - you can go into the past, for example, remember that you don’t remember, you can go into the past if there was some kind of traumatic event and conduct therapy there, change something in a certain way. That is, using it to get rid of some symptom in the present by changing the past. Presenter: That is, by changing a memory. Or the attitude towards this memory. Vitaly: there are different approaches, but I rather adhere to the attitude to change towards the memory. Because some specialists, as they do, they simply redo this situation, but I think that, well, you still actually know what really happened there, and the method of changing your attitude towards the memory is more effective Presenter: That is, what previously caused negative emotions there, fear, for example, now does not cause fear. Vitaly: Well, yes, that is, this can be removed. What else can you do? For example, there are some bodily problems, diseases that can also be removed with the help of hypnosis. Presenter: For example? Vitaly: For example, there is such an approachable German doctor, Dr. Hamer, he developed an owl method of treating cancer. That is, there is a very interesting approach, cancer of different parts of the body, different organs. For example, I have an example with the mammary gland, female breast cancer. That is, why does this happen, in his opinion? This is due to the fact that the woman there has either lost a child or is afraid of losing it. That is, the body enhances the function of the mammary glands to such an extentdegree, that at some point cancer begins to appear. Presenter: Wow. Vitaly: So, if you find this moment, yes, when she was afraid for the child or is still experiencing this fear, and remove it there and correct it, then if, for example, the cancer is at an early stage, further development can be prevented. Presenter: Are there any statistics on cured patients? Vitaly: As far as I know, there are statistics, but I don’t have them, I can’t say about it, I have them No. Presenter: Well, at least it’s more than zero percent? One percent? Vitaly: Yes, more than zero percent. Well, the point is that there are some bodily ailments that can also be cured with the help of hypnosis. Presenter: Curvature of the spine? Vitaly: Well, if you turn to Dr. Hamer, according to his theory, then curvature of the spine, in my opinion, is there some part of the back, it seems the lower back, is responsible there for a person’s attitude towards himself, that is, this is self-humiliation. That is, when a person scolds himself, he develops a curvature of a certain part of his back. So there he has his own solutions for each ailment, why it happens. But I don’t remember everything now, I can’t say about everything. And there is something else that is being done, a computed tomography scan of the brain is being done, and in this image you can see certain round areas, in the images, in these sections of the brain, and from them you can also judge, in a certain way, yes, what the problem is there. That is, there are some kind of conflicts there. What else is there? These are problems, for example, with urination. Urinary incontinence and so on. There it is believed that this is due to a conflict of territory. This is how animals are, they mark territory, this is also related to this. Presenter: A person cannot decide what is his and what is someone else’s? Or he’s trying to take over the whole world. Vitaly: Unlikely the whole world, but maybe the fact is that someone there has somehow encroached on its territory. That is, he has some kind of ancient instinct there, which says that so that they don’t enter your territory, you need to mark it, a zone. Presenter: and wherever you are, you instinctively try to mark it. Vitaly: Well, yes . Well, he has such an interesting approach that supposedly there is no disease itself, but just a reaction of the body, some kind of compensation for something, that is, for some reason it is necessary, any ailment. Presenter: And this is possible with any disease. Vitaly: Well, yes. Presenter: Okay, what can you realize under hypnosis? Is it possible to realize something? Understand? Understand that the choice made is wrong, understand that there is a person you don’t love next to you, and you experience a feeling of habit, and not a feeling of love for him. Is it possible to do something like that? Vitaly: You can try, but if you once made a wrong choice in the past, you cannot change it. Or can you? Presenter: You can at least realize that it was wrong, or, on the contrary, realize that this choice brought you a lot of positive things, that the choice was made correctly. But now it’s just worth making a different choice. Vitaly: You can, well, here’s an option, for example, we do hypnotic regression, we come to the point where you made a choice, yes, for example, to be with this person, to be or not to be. Presenter: To go on a date for the first time, or not to go on a date for the first time. Vitaly: Yes, for example. Presenter: But no, probably later. Going on a date for the first time is still unclear when a relationship has already begun, and you have already seen this person and you have some idea about him. Vitaly: Okay, yes, but at some point you made a decision. Presenter: YesVitaly: Now, you can get to this moment and make an alternative line of history there, from there make a progression into the future and see, for example, what would happen without this person. Presenter: To the present moment. Vitaly: Yes. Well, model it. Presenter: But it will be a figment of fantasy. Vitaly: Yes, fantasy. Well, yes, in hypnosis there is an element of fantasy, if the past is reliable, that is, we remember, and the future is a fantasy. Presenter: I remembered the movie “The Butterfly Effect”, haven’t you seen it? Vitaly: I watched it. Presenter: I just immediately remembered,I tried to deceive fate, I tried, but in the end I had to not communicate with this girl from childhood. Vitaly: well, the first part is the best... the second is worse. Presenter: The first part, yes. Return or make a choice. What determines a person’s hypnotizability? His ability to go into hypnosis? Still, people probably enter differently, for some it’s easier, for others it’s more difficult. Vitaly: It is believed that any healthy person can enter a state of hypnotic trance. If he has some serious health problems, he will have difficulties with this. But I, however, have not come across such people, that is, who are not hypnotic at all. They are probably already being treated in other places. Well, in general it depends on how much a person trusts the specialist he came to. How much can he relax, how much can he temporarily forget about his critical, logical thinking. Presenter: Does it depend on motivation? Vitaly: Yes, it depends. Depends on how much he wants to solve his problem. Presenter: That is, on the expectation of the result too. Vitaly: Yes. Presenter: What we believe in is what happens to us. Vitaly: Yes, it’s also a question of trust. But the question is also what a person thinks about this specialist. Well, how about a specialist. He believes he is qualified. For example, someone there recommended him to him, several acquaintances or friends. The specialist helped them. Of course, now the person trusts this specialist more. And there he has a better chance that everything will work out. And his hypnotizability will be higher than that of a person who does not know anything about a specialist, so he came to him for the first time. Presenter: Do the physical influences of bringing a person into hypnosis play a role? Illumination of the room, temperature in the room, sound? Vitaly: They are playing. Presenter: Which one? Vitaly: For example, you went for a massage, have you ever been to a massage? Presenter: Yes. Vitaly: a good massage. Presenter: I fell asleep. Vitaly: Great! This is the state, maybe she fell asleep, or maybe it was a state of such a hypnotic trance. It's hard to separate it sometimes. That is, when they do something to your body, something pleasant, that is, you relax, you concentrate on the sensations in your body, you go into this state of altered consciousness. Maybe you're falling asleep. Presenter. That is, it turns out that this is not a dream. Vitaly: Sometimes there is such a fine line between hypnosis and sleep, yes, if a person is very tired and has not slept for a long time, he may not fall into a hypnotic trance, but go straight to sleep. It’s easy to fall asleep and just lie there snoring. Well, maybe it’s a trance. Presenter: So, how does lighting affect it, temperature, music. Vitaly: So, about the music. Music can influence simply as an additional vision, simply rebooting the same channels of perception. A person says something and music plays along with it. Presenter: But it must be something specific. Hard rock will probably be able to put a person into hypnosis? Vitaly: Well, for example, I don’t know about hard rock, but in nightclubs there is dance music, there is a corresponding light accompaniment, and there people are in a trance, yes. They have such a light trance. They dance there, move, this music and lighting. The state of trance is definite, but also deep. Presenter: But they understand everything that is happening? Vitaly: Yes, they understand. Presenter: Hmmm, so, temperature? Vitaly: Well, here we can say that a person should be comfortable. That is, if he is very cold or very hot there, then this will interfere. Presenter: Lighting? Vitaly: Of course, I have not conducted such studies about illumination. Presenter: Probably, it is easier to relax with dim light than with bright light? Vitaly: Yes, if the light, the lighting is more comfortable, then yes, it will be easier to relax, then to some extent it will help. Presenter: What about rhythmic changes in lighting? A little brighter, a little darker, a little brighter? Vitaly: Well, what can I say here, everything that affects our perception system is there, auditory - sound, visually - vision, kinesthetic sensation, even smells and tastes, it affects here this processimmersion in a hypnotic trance in a certain way. That is, the impact is to put a person into a trance, on these perception systems. Therefore, everything that comes from the outside has an influence in one way or another. Presenter: And it is more comfortable for a person to immerse himself in hypnosis if there is a person close to him, not a specialist who immerses him in this state, but simply, well, his wife, for example. Vitaly: I think that it’s different for everyone, someone will be embarrassed by their wife next to them. Presenter: That is, for those who have their wife’s secrets, those who cheat on their wife, the more uncomfortable it is for her to sit next to them, and those who don’t have secrets from the wife, the more comfortable. Vitaly: Well, you know how sometimes a family comes to a psychologist, that is, dad, mom and child, so they are there - dad, mom say one thing, but they don’t listen to the child at all, and sometimes the psychologist tells dad, to mom - “Please sit behind the door, and I’ll talk to your son or daughter.” For example, the father and mother confuse the child, but if one on one, then he may open up more easily, more simply. Well, it does, yes. People who are nearby. For some it may be a hindrance, but for others, on the contrary, it helps. Presenter: What about the client’s emotional mood? Did he come angry or happy? Vitaly: Well, yes, I think that also influences, but here there is such a thing - what does a person care about at the moment? If a person has some problem, he comes to the therapist with this problem, then everything will be fine, but if he comes with one problem, and at that moment he is thinking about something else, he is worried about something else, there is some emotion from another situation , then it will interfere. Presenter: We need to work through all the emotions at once. Vitaly: In general, it is logical to work with the problem that is the most pressing for you at the moment, what you are thinking about. What are you constantly worrying about? And working with something else, that is, what is in the background, it will interfere with what is in the foreground. Presenter: But you can come with some kind of constant problem that has been tormenting you for a month, but in the morning On the way to the doctor, something happened there that made you feel anxious. The kettle at home is broken, and you go to the therapist and think all the way, “how can I have time to buy this kettle in the evening?” Vitaly: I usually have the experience that people who come to me for therapy say, “Vitaly, I was walking along the road , I had a lot of problems, but I came to you, and something was so good and calm.” That is, here the question is about what the focus of attention is on, if a person comes to you for therapy, he is used to being good and comfortable with you, he sees you and comes to this state. Presenter: Comfort. Vitaly: Yes. Presenter : Let's return to regressive hypnosis. Until when can you go back in time? Until the moment of birth? What are the earliest moments? Vitaly: You can, yes, go back to the moment of birth, you can even try to get into a past life, but to what extent everything is real or fantasy - I don’t know, I can’t answer. Yes, I had clients who believed that they had problems in their personal lives, yes, we tried to go there, yes, the person saw something there. But I don’t know how to confirm this is real. Presenter: How vivid were these visions and images? Vitaly: Very vivid, maybe like in a dream, there are such realistic vivid dreams. Quite bright. Presenter: But at the same time, a specific place, a specific situation was described. Or is it still blurry? Vitaly: For example, this is what I remember: we plunged into the past with a person, reached a past life, and he says, “I see that I am in prison, behind bars, there is some woman who betrayed me,” these are some events. And what is there, how to confirm it, is it real, were we with you in a past life, or not. I don't know. If this is a historical event that is known, it can be compared with archives, with books, with a history textbook, but if this is some kind of secondary event, then how can you determine it - there is no way. Presenter: And this vision of a prison and a betrayed woman helped to understand problems? Vitaly: Yes, it helped. The question here is not whether it is real or not, the main thing is thatTherapy at that moment – ​​it helped. And it helps. Presenter: And how did it help in this situation? Vitaly: and there, I remember, there were some emotions associated with anger. I remember there was such an unexpected effect, a man had problems with his liver, he went to the doctor. Anger is associated with the liver. And the man had positive changes, he says that “my liver tests returned to normal after the session.” That is, everything began to return to normal. Presenter: How did prison help? Vision of a prison? Vitaly: And there was some kind of situation there, I just don’t remember the details now, but at that moment, at that time, I was conducting therapy. There was some kind of relationship situation there. There, with this woman, there are some emotions - there we decided all this. Presenter: Is it possible to return only to your past life? Or can you also return to a past life? Vitaly: I haven’t tried it further, but I think it’s possible. But is it real or fantasy... Presenter: Naturally, it’s unclear. Vitaly: But what does it have to do with it, some experts believe that this is real, and some say that it’s all nonsense. There, where I studied, they conducted such an experiment, they told a person about a past life, they gave such a suggestion, “right now, in this process, if you lie, you will die,” and they went to a past life and everything was lost there , that is, it was not possible to dive there. That is, maybe there is nothing. Or maybe the person wasn’t sure whether it was real or his fantasy, and was afraid to lie, deceive, and therefore it didn’t work out. I don’t know. Presenter: And if we assume that this is real, then how can a person’s memory remember this? Vitaly: If we assume, then at some genetic level. Some signs of our ancestors are passed on to us with the help of genes, yes. Even character can be passed on, that is, sometimes it happens that you look like your mom or dad, like your grandfather or grandmother, and he or she is just like you. This is some kind of character being conveyed. That is, somewhere everything is written down, somewhere it remains. Presenter: But the assumption remains that a person in his past life was definitely a person. Vitaly: Well, in hypnosis, yes, in therapy it turns out that we live our lives as humans. . I didn’t have any other cases. Presenter: That is, no one imagined themselves to be a cat or a plant. Vitaly: No, I didn’t, I didn’t have that. Well, it’s difficult to work with a plant; it doesn’t speak. I don’t know about plants and animals. Presenter: Okay, the question is, is it ethical to expose a person to painful memories in a state of hypnotic trance when studying something. Vitaly: Well, if a person comes to you with some kind of problem, yes, he wants it not to exist, to solve it somehow, and he agrees to what we will do, yes, with his consent, probably ethically. Presenter: But many people could forget some unpleasant situations, suppress them in themselves and really don’t remember them. Vitaly: Yes, maybe. Presenter: They really don’t remember them and don’t know that they can cause some kind of trauma there. Vitaly: Well, not exactly trauma. Yes, there are some unpleasant memories, but this is an emotion, yes, it will be unpleasant. Presenter: But what if these are really unpleasant memories, which, perhaps, it would really be better not to remember? Couldn't it cause some harm, on the contrary, because a person remembers it? Maybe, for example, there as a child, at the age of 4, he witnessed a murder? And since it was early, at the age of 4, he forgot it towards maturity, he really doesn’t remember it, but vivid emotions, strong impressions left some kind of imprint there. At the age of 30, when he comes to a psychotherapist, he has no idea that at the age of 4 he experienced such a situation. And so it is revealed that he will be haunted for a long time? Vitaly: Well, if a person came to us with this problem, we, for example, went back in time based on symptoms, for example, based on some emotion, sensations in the body, then this problem is already negative affected him, that is, it must be solved one way or another. Presenter: That is, it’s betterdrip? Vitaly: Better, better yes, drip, I think. Well, if it has already been reflected somehow. Presenter: And if in such a state a person begins to remember and experience these strong emotions again, can this negatively affect his general condition, including his health? Vitaly: Well, if only temporarily , while we are in this process and we won’t solve everything, well, probably if there are some strong emotions, yes, that is, there is an increase in heart rate and some other processes happen from excitement, well, yes. Presenter: But cause something irreversible they can’t? Vitaly: No. Presenter: And at the end of the session they will pass? Vitaly: Yes, they will. Well, because we somehow work through this situation, treat it, change a person’s attitude towards this and he simply treats it differently, and all these manifestations – they go away. Presenter: But there are known cases of psychological damage being caused to a person When did he become so immersed in a trance? To the past? Vitaly: Well, this moment is probably the same as in the example with classical hypnosis - coding. A person drinks alcohol for some reason. In large quantities. He's doing it there for a reason. Maybe his life there is so hard that he forgets. Maybe he is doing this as a protest, protesting against something. There may be some other reasons. That is, if, for example, he is coded, he does not drink for a while, but all his problems remain and come out in another place. In this case, yes, probably, there may be some harm. Presenter: Is it even possible to understand why a person drinks alcohol? Vitaly: We need to deal with it. Presenter: Well, through regressive hypnosis you can understand at what point a person became addicted to alcohol, that is, when he crossed this line, he only drank on holidays and it really began to turn into an addiction, although the person did not consciously understand that this was already an addiction. Vitaly: Yes, you can. Hypnosis is a tool, what is good about it, that is, it makes it possible to gain access to these states, which in normal wakefulness, they are either not so bright or are inaccessible, some of them. For example, a person remembers the situation itself, but does not remember any emotions that were there. And in hypnosis, these emotions can emerge, well, you can work with alcoholics without hypnosis. Could be so. But with hypnosis the effect will be better, faster. Presenter: But without hypnosis, they refuse to admit to themselves when it started. They will subconsciously refuse. Vitaly: If a person refuses, yes, or does not admit that he is an alcoholic. Presenter: Most alcoholics do not admit that they are alcoholics. Vitaly: It means that they are not yet ready for treatment. If he does not admit that he is an alcoholic, then he will not come to treatment of his own free will. Someone will drag him there. And if a person was dragged, then he has no motivation to recover. There's no point in taking it on. He must come on his own, of his own free will. This should be his decision. Presenter: Well, logical. You can’t go against your will. Vitaly: well, yes, otherwise, I don’t know, in my opinion, no one just takes it if a person is forcibly dragged to a specialist. Presenter: but they code by force, or not. Vitaly: Man, I think , he himself comes no matter how he gets rid of it, that is, he understands. Presenter: what if he doesn’t understand? Do your loved ones understand? Vitaly: Well, I wouldn’t take it on at all. If a person comes himself, then he comes himself. If they drag him in, it’s a thankless job. Presenter: if a person doesn’t want to be helped, there’s no point in helping him. By the way, is it really possible to learn to immerse yourself in hypnosis? Is each subsequent attempt to immerse a person in hypnosis easier than the first? Vitaly: Yes, easier, but this is also a certain skill. For example, I studied in France with one specialist, and at the first session he does not immerse people in hypnosis at all, at the first session he simply explains what they will do and develops the person’s trust in himself. And then in the second session they begin therapy. Presenter: In general, have a high degree