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Everyone can imagine a healthy body. But what a psychologically healthy person looks like is much more difficult to imagine, but still possible. Let's start by not confusing mental and psychological health. The latter, until recently, was an integral part of mental health, which relates to individual mental processes and mechanisms, namely: memory, sensation, attention, perception, thinking, etc. Psychological health refers to the individual as a whole. This is a constantly developing set of mental properties of a person, which ensures harmony between the needs of the individual and society, and orients the individual to fulfill his life task. At the same time, psychological deviations are easier to correct than mental ones. What does a psychologically healthy person look like, according to psychologists? There are several qualities that help determine psychological health. Firstly, a psychologically healthy person is reality-oriented. Everyone understands that you need to pay attention to what is happening, soberly assess the situation and somehow participate in this life. Otherwise, it will pass by. Secondly, a psychologically healthy person accepts himself and those around him as they are. Agree, this is very difficult. After all, you always want people to at least sometimes see their stupidity and notice the good in us. Thirdly, spontaneity. In Ozhegov’s dictionary we read: “Spontaneous - arising due to internal reasons, without direct influence from the outside, spontaneous.” That is, a person behaves spontaneously when he does what he wanted. Perhaps this violates someone’s ideas about decency and rules of behavior. But without this important quality, we would all be alike. After all, strict adherence to the rules of behavior is impossible. Every person must, first of all, know what he himself wants, so that his life is successful, so that he wants to live. Fourthly, when problems arise in a psychologically healthy person, he does not begin to torment his loved one, does not reproach himself for getting into trouble, but examines his problem under his own internal microscope of thought. And even if a problem arises in himself, he looks for the problem in himself, and not for himself in the problem. Fifthly, oddly enough, a psychologically healthy person needs solitude. It is simply impossible to be in society all the time. You can stop being a psychologically healthy person. And loneliness not only gives us a break from noise, bustle, people, but also helps us focus on the only person who is always with us. Sixth, a psychologically healthy person is autonomous and independent. To put it simply, free. He does not need constant approval of his actions, kicks and strokes when making decisions. He can do this for himself if he begins to doubt. Seventh, he has no tendency to perceive people and his surroundings in a stereotypical way. Yes, if there is only white and black, this one is bad, because Vasya said so, and this one is good, according to Manya, you can go crazy. Where then is my opinion and the right of every person to change? Eighth, spirituality. This category can be considered from several positions. The first is psychological. Spirituality is knowledge, the pursuit of truth. It involves harmonious interaction with the world and directs a person to search for the meaning of life, fulfill a life task, without which a feeling of peace of mind and personal happiness is impossible. The second is religious. It is connected with faith in God. The Holy Spirit operates in every person. Man is an icon, and the meaning of his life is to come to himself, to realize his own value, because God is not somewhere in heaven, but on earth, in everything that is here, that we have and in us. This means that we must treat everything around us as if we were God. Ninth, identification with humanity. It's clear. A healthy person will not consider himself another animal if he knows that he is a person. Tenth, psychologicallya healthy person is capable of close relationships with people. And in conclusion, three more parameters, but not the last ones (psychologists are meticulous people): the presence of a sense of humor, high creativity and low conformity. The humor is not aggressive. This is how he is - a psychologically healthy person. Be like that too. Psychologically healthy! Health psychology is just beginning to develop. A number of factors contributed to this: 1. Bekhterev was the first to pay attention to the psychology of health. He said that the important and most important condition for the development of personality is the nature of the organism, heritage and those anthropological characteristics that form the basis for the development of personality.2. The next factor is related to the conditions of conception and development of the human body. An unfavorable factor, a condition for the conception of an individual, entails degenerative characteristics of the offspring (bad heredity, illness of the mother during pregnancy and during conception). All this affects the fact that the child’s body is vulnerable and develops very poorly. If you do not provide enough proper nutrition, the process of full development is disrupted.3. Economic conditions influence personality.4. Alcoholism poses a real threat to our nation.5. Hardworking, moderate life. We must lead a healthy lifestyle. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia./ Ed. B.D. Karvasarsky. 2nd expanded and revised edition. - St. Petersburg. - 2002. Health psychology is a complex of specific educational, scientific and professional contributions of psychology as a scientific discipline for the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of disease, the identification of etiological and diagnostic correlates of health, disease and related dysfunctions, as well as the analysis and improvement healthcare systems and the formation of health strategies (policies). Health psychology includes the practice of maintaining human health from conception to death. (Health Psychology V.A. Ananyev 2001) The modern situation in psychology is characterized by the confrontation of many schools, directions, new methodological and psychotechnical approaches to understanding the subject and tasks of the ancient science of psyche. We can identify 7 basic paradigms in understanding the subject of psychology: physiological, psychoanalytic, behavioristic, existential-humanistic, transpersonal, communicative, integrative. Integrative psychology, which guards psychological health, involves maximum use of the possibilities of dialogue with representatives of all five areas of psychology, which allows expanding ideas about approaches and research methodologies applied to the study of mental reality. The strategy of integrative psychology is the comprehension of human nature through integration, accompanied by critical reflection, synthesis of various traditions, approaches, logics, diagnostic and psychotechnical tools, while maintaining their autonomy in subsequent development. Its essence lies in multi-plane, multi-dimensional, multi-level, multi-vector analysis, which creates the possibility of a qualitatively different study, involving the inclusion in the plane of analysis of aspects of multiplicity, dialogicality, and multidimensionality of the mental phenomenon. Integrative psychology does not claim a monopoly of truth, but offers free operation of multidimensional knowledge associated with the most productive traditions working in the problem area and their diagnostic, psychotechnical tools. The methodological foundation of the integrative approach consists of the methodological principles of the multidimensionality of truth, positivity, correlation, and ontological pluralism. In the integrative model, we understand the individual and groups as complex, open, multicomponent systems capable of supporting homeostasis, expedient interaction with the environment, capable of adaptation, self-development and generation of new structures and subsystems in accordance with the current situation and new conditions for.