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From the author: In order for your life not to be lived in vain, so that you leave behind a rich legacy, and you yourself realize yourself as a free person, you should find your business in life. Doing this is not entirely easy, but anything is better than suffering from a “midlife crisis.” How to find your business in life: search algorithm If you want to live your life meaningfully and leave behind a luxurious (not so much material, but intangible) legacy, if you want to achieve outstanding success and serious results, if you want to live as a free person, and not as a gray biomass, then you have no other choice but to find your life’s work. Many fail in this field, falling into the rut of dullness and routine, because When starting to engage in any business, they think first of all about the profitability of their undertaking: they look for profitable niches, promising topics, prestigious places, etc. This is a strategic mistake and its disastrous consequences are not immediately visible - sometimes it takes a lot of time for the accumulated “ “failures” will create a critical mass and a crisis will cover the person: the desire to do what he was doing disappears, previous successes appear dubious and do not cause joy, apathy and fatigue appear, irritation with others (even loved ones) and the world as a whole. A person understands that he has found himself in a dead end in life. In order not to end up in such a situation or to get out of it with the least losses, one should find one’s real work in life - this is a natural need of the human spirit, like food and water for the body. How to find out your calling in life The first thing that should be clearly and clearly realized is that the work of life is a practical tool for realizing a personal mission (calling, purpose) with which the spirit was embodied in our material reality. This is the notorious “meaning of life,” which, however, not everyone has. What do you need to find out your personal mission? There are a lot of different methods (from meditation to “one-step” exercises), but within the framework of the self-realization program “Building a New Life” we use the most reliable one - clarifying the mission (purpose) from the spiritual level through going through a special process of direct experience of the truth. Having overcome the resistance of his inner Overseer, a person meets his true, spiritual Self and recognizes his destiny. But the peculiarity of learning a personal mission is that a person experiences a certain, albeit quite bright, but absolutely non-verbal awareness, which can include hundreds and thousands of meanings. Therefore, the next step is to translate the abstract purpose into a specific and understandable Big Goal. To formulate this Big Goal for yourself means to stop rushing through life once and for all, clearly determine the direction of movement and begin your Path along it, leaving behind crowds of unlucky people. “Puzzle” as a way to find a dream job And then we have the most difficult, but terribly interesting work - to determine the best way to achieve our Big Goal [essentially a life strategy] and find out with the help of which tool [life's work] we will make it a reality .To do this, we will need to assemble a kind of “puzzle” from various elements: My “function” (role) in the human system - brahmana, kshatriya, vaishya or sudra My values ​​- in other words, what exactly, what ideas, principles I am guided in life, and these values ​​should be your own, and not borrowed My talents are abilities and skills that you can do very well, naturally, as if by themselves Personal characteristics are desires, interests, genetic inclinations, personal qualities and traits Collection, sorting, research and synthesis of these elements – a special technology that requires systems thinking. Since all these elements need to not only be collected together, but also correctly coordinated with each other, so that there are no rough edges, inconsistencies and friction between them, which will give rise to motivational conflicts in the unconscious and.