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Final article on cognitive biases5. Dichotomous thinking This is black and white thinking in which we have only two options for reality without any undertones. As they say, from one extreme to another. The disadvantages of this approach are erroneous conclusions and limited options. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? division of people into “bad” and “good”, “smart” and “stupid”, “talented” and “mediocre” if a person does not have children, then he is - child-hater; if a person does not drink, then he is a total healthy lifestyle; either you are poor and honest, or rich and steal; if a woman is not married, then she is unhappy. WHAT TO DO? track. It is worth noting that this distortion is quite difficult to track in yourself, because that at first glance, conclusions are drawn based on logic. Indicators can be signs common to all distortions: categorical judgment, lightning speed of conclusion, lack of variability. If we can track it, we look for intermediate options. EXAMPLE Thesis: If a girl doesn’t have children, then she hates them. Intermediate options: she wants children, but later; doesn’t want children for herself, but has a positive attitude towards strangers; she has physiological difficulties (think about this before voicing your conclusions and comments).6. Fortune telling A distortion similar to mind reading, but if there we invent people’s thoughts, here we engage in clairvoyance and predict the future) As a rule, this refers to the results of actions that have not yet been completed (if the result is bad, then why try at all?). For such forecasts, you can abandon your ideas and goals for years - why, if everything goes wrong? WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? I will not go to this interview because there will clearly be better candidates than me. Who needs me there? I want to move to another city, but nothing will work out there, I won’t find a job, there will be unfriendly people there. I won’t participate in competitions, because I’ll lose anyway. If I go out without makeup, I’ll definitely meet someone I know .WHAT TO DO? We remember about tracking) We prescribe other options for the development of events. For example: Thesis: at the interview there will be better candidates, they won’t hire me. Alternative options: the candidates will be worse; I have inflated demands on myself, in fact I am quite competitive; the candidates will be better in terms of experience, and the recruiter will look for suitable thinking, and not dry experience; someone will be better than me, but they have two vacancies, and the second one will go to me. I will not be suitable for this position, but they will offer me another. Etc. You can subjectively evaluate the probability of each option. As a rule, automatic is not particularly realistic. Even if the option seems real, there are still others. At the end of the day, if you go to the interview, you will have at least some chance of getting the job. If you don’t go, there’s no chance)7. Catastrophization Okay, let's say the interview still goes poorly and you won't be hired. And the guy you invite for coffee will rudely refuse, and even insult......so what?) A hefty share of our stress arises from the disproportion between the actual significance of the event and our fear preceding it. After all, in essence, a failed interview does not deprive you of the opportunity to go to 5-10-20 other interviews. Moreover, every interview is an experience of self-presentation and communication with recruiters. Free practice, so to speak. A failed interview does not mean that you will never find a job. The boorish guy who refused to let you drink coffee together is not the only man on earth. And if he behaves like this, then it’s good that things didn’t work out. Refusal does not mean that you will be alone forever. Yes, it may be unpleasant and offensive, but there will be no critical consequences. In the end, even if the chances of successfully passing the interview are not too high in your opinion, then if you don’t go to it, the chances will become zero) WHAT TO DO? As usual - keep track. In general, when you start analyzing your automatic thoughts, you will find a lot of interesting things) Ask yourself: what is the most)