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Have you ever wondered why even wealthy people often complain about the lack of money? The thing is that a high level of income automatically entails high expenses. You can earn a lot, but at the same time have a big house and a car, on the maintenance of which the lion's share of income will be spent. The more money, the more spending. Therefore, any person, regardless of income level, is always faced with a lack of funds. Finding themselves in such a situation, many agree to the easiest way, which advertising persistently offers us - to take out a loan. Which, in turn, does not solve financial problems, but only aggravates them. How to build your relationship with money in such a way that there is always enough of it? Any family can achieve a harmonious relationship with money (there will always be enough money) if you follow the following five recommendations: 1) For a ship without a goal, not a single wind will not be incidental. In the same way, a family that has no idea what and where it is going will not be able to wisely manage the available money. Ask yourself the question - “What expenses do we really need? What is our main financial goal? To make this easier, imagine your life in 5-10 years (how your family plans to live in the future)? And based on your picture of the desired future, decide whether you need these or other momentary expenses. Lack of finances most often occurs due to the fact that a person (family) completely lacks a long-term plan for upcoming expenses. This is why it is so important to start planning your life, and several years in advance. This is the only way you will be able to get rid of the rollercoaster of your financial situation. 2) Make sure that you and your loved ones have a common goal. It is enough to recall Krylov’s famous fable about the swan, crayfish and pike to understand: the team (and the family is a team) must adhere to one direction of movement. Otherwise, the cart will not move from its place. When planning expenses (upcoming purchases and major acquisitions), all your relatives should Do your part. This is important because it will save you from conflict. In addition, knowing about the desires of your household, you will be able to calculate all possible expenses in advance. And most importantly, focusing on a common result unites the family and allows you to find new opportunities for income. 3) Set aside some money as a “safety cushion”. No matter how well thought out your financial plan is, you will still have to make adjustments to it. Therefore, it is necessary to have a “backup airfield”, an emergency reserve that will help you level course in case of unforeseen expenses. This “buffer zone” is also useful for people of average income, and millionaires.4) Discipline your spending. It is extremely important to be aware of what you spend your money on. If you do not control your expenses, then at the first sale or holiday you will spend a large amount on, let's be honest, pointless things. Therefore, it is very useful to have a special notebook where you will write down all your expenses. You will be amazed at how much money you spend on insignificant things that you can live without. 5) Allow yourself to relax thoroughly sometimes. Imagine that your financial restrictions are some kind of special diet. If you constantly deny yourself “goodies”, strictly controlling every bite, most likely, one night you will suddenly see yourself at the refrigerator, sweeping all the products you see there from the shelves. The same thing happens with money. Sometimes you need to allow yourself small and unnecessary expenses. After all, this is what life is for, to please yourself and others. SUMMARY: Make a financial plan that is guaranteed to lead you to financial wealth and material well-being. Allow yourself little joys that will not hit your wallet hard, but will help you completely get a taste for life.ADDITIONALLY:Read my other article “What skills: