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From the author: About helping technology for addictions in the form of self-help How they made me weak in the beginning there was a thought... When I was born from an embryo, I inherited a lot of things from my dad and mom. I was born - it turned out. I am special. I am also I didn’t know all of you living in this World. When I grew up, I didn’t know how to behave - how to act and what to say - what was allowed and what was not allowed. I ate what I wanted and when I wanted. But the people around me drank this disgusting bitter coffee, tough meat, for some reason they put salt on the food... and so did I... My environment - they smoked, drank... I resisted for a long time when “THIS is unbearable...” happened - I was so worried - and I lit a cigarette- and drank - I thought it was only once - but it turned out that cigarettes and alcoholic drinks were stronger than me - then I decided to outwit them - I replaced them with beer - it’s good that there were no drug addicts with their life-saving drugs in my environment. Now I know that there is no 1 time....there will be 2 and 3 and 123 later...Now I divide my life into 2 stages BEFORE learning bad habits AFTER learning bad habits And there is another 3 stage - I want to go there - where I would return to my natural state - drink water - eat what I want - and when I want - without stupid schedules and obligations - but more from the feeling of hunger. .gossip.....lie....Now I have learned....I did it.....And, honestly, I didn’t like it - I want to go to “my home” - in my purity and uncloudedness - to be kind, cheerful, benevolent, like in early childhood - to rejoice in the successes of others. I want to be an adult child, clean and bright, not “littered” by imposed “things” and dubious values. I now choose for myself - the position of an Adult with his ability to be responsible - the decorated position of a Child with his belief in an ideal world - the controlling position of the Parental part in me - when I am too lazy to raise my butt, if I want to blame everything on the child in me - from him irresponsible “I don’t want.” My motivation for change - I admit that - no one committed violence against me - no one forced me to drink or smoke... using physical force on me - I injure myself - when I bully myself - physically - and bad with thoughts - I commit auto-aggression towards myself - I forget to love myself - I don’t take care of myself - I destroy myself - and I destroy myself imperceptibly... not obviously... - and with this I deceive myself. It's me! Responsible for yourself. And no one else! - I lit a cigarette.... “in the beginning there was a thought...” - and now I have a choice - to become stronger when I cope with addiction - or to remain addicted. And I tell myself important phrases...- from this life-saving technique “Restoring Wholeness”. Here is this technique (explanation is given in parentheses, there is no need to repeat it)1. When I think that I cannot cope with my addiction to vodka (cigarettes....gambling....bulemia...gluttony...) - I recognize this situation as my test for my spiritual growth.2 . And I recognize the connection between my thoughts about my weakness and the feeling of Resentment (fear.....anger.....).3. And then I recognize the connection of my offense with the instinct to attack (to run away...freeze....defend....disappear...evaporate....(when it’s offensive, I attack). 4. And I also understand the connection of my instinct to attack with my safety (for my protection). 5. And I accept my feeling of resentment associated with my safety (resentment protects me from something more terrible) And I recognize the need for my resentment now (now I am not worried). 6. And then I can form my own new connection for my safety - instead of resentment, I choose love (joy, calmness, confidence...) 7. I give myself the right to use love in stressful situations that are difficult for me - instead of resentment.8. And I will also use the feeling of resentment sometimes - for the benefit of my loved one (when it is beneficial, convenient...)9. I want it this way and I can do it!Addition - if the therapist does this technique, he raises his palms at the same level. client's eye and fixes - 1 palm is his part with