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From the author: What happens in a psychologist’s office and why do serious adults need dolls? Dolls have been used in psychology for a long time and successfully, specialists from different fields work with them (fairytale therapy, art therapy, sand therapy, psychodrama, etc.), so there are no uniform rules here. Initially, my professional interest was attracted by the idea of ​​using objects, which makes the work more visual and easier. But neither buttons and cups, nor children’s toys completely satisfied me, and I decided to create my own tool - a set of dolls for psychological practice (you can see the results of this work in the photographs). Since then, I have repeatedly been convinced, both from my own experience and from the experience of my colleagues, that dolls in the hands of a psychologist are not just a toy. Here is an approximate step-by-step plan for psychological consultation using dolls (the photo story was created by me only for clarity and has no basis represents real client work): 0. Consent. Usually I just show the dolls and ask the client: “Are you ready to try?” Clarification. I ask clarifying questions, help formulate the purpose of the work, highlight significant parts. Selection of dolls. When all the significant parts of the story are named, I ask you to choose dolls that will represent them. For example, like this: For some people, this process is especially important: they enjoy touching and examining the figures, carefully relating them to their internal images - this is how they connect more deeply with their history. Explanation for fellow constellators: this process is partly similar to constellations with figures, but there are no enabling phrases or a specific structure; it is more like a game.3. Arrangement in space. When significant figures are selected and named, I ask them to arrange them in space so that it corresponds to the client’s internal picture. For example, like this: At the moment when the dolls are placed, several fundamentally important processes occur that have a healing effect on the psyche (depending on the situation – perhaps all at once or only some): Unloading of the psyche. When telling a story that is difficult for himself, the client spends a lot of effort trying to keep all its important parts in mind and not forget or confuse anything. Simply by identifying them in a space where they will not go anywhere, he experiences relief. The return of a sense of control over the situation. The dolls are small and can be moved, affecting the whole picture. If the client has a feeling of powerlessness in his life, this type of work helps overcome it. Observation from the outside. Often, the opportunity to simply walk around gives excellent results: the client, through experience (even if such a symbolic one), can see the situation in a completely different way. Now he can choose both the angle and the distance. For example, like this: Or like this: Understanding. Dolls are a visual material, a clear diagram that allows you to see the psychological mechanism that created this situation. Awareness (insight). Often, already at the first moment, when the figures are arranged, the client notices something new for himself. (In the photographs, the client chooses just a woman doll to play the role of himself, but looking from the outside, he notices that this figurine is the largest and brightest, this makes him aware of his own importance and influence).4. Feedback. I help the client see meaningful connections and clarify details. I clarify how he evaluates the picture.5. Psychological work. There are no two identical processes, and therefore there cannot be ready-made solutions; I will give only a few of the most common options: If the client wants to rearrange or replace the figures, he can do this himself, there are no restrictions. Often this is exactly how the process (or part of it) goes. If this does not happen, I can suggest changing the distance between the figures and evaluate what will change (In a photo story, I would suggest turning the woman’s figure towards the others) If the client talks about his own figure as small or weak, you can suggest choosing the figure of an assistant and placing it is a way of connecting with your