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From the author: This article was published in the magazine “Business Class” 2016. How not to bring “work” emotions and stress home? Ask yourself the question “What separates your work and home “For some it’s a few steps, but for others it’s a whole life consisting of a marathon of “thousands of things to do” from “picking up a child from kindergarten to paying bills for major repairs.” To prevent the work mood from becoming part of your home life, you need to learn “build boundaries.” First, try creating rituals that help separate the workday from the pleasures of the evening at home. What are these rituals? Sometimes it’s enough to go to the gym after work or take a leisurely walk from work to home, noticing how spring “claims its rights.” Admire the drops, thawed patches, and the reflection of houses in puddles. Here is a couple in love, kissing in the park - it’s also spring! Spring of feelings! Find activities that bring you pleasure. I know a woman who always tries to get from work to home on foot, making her route through flower shops. “I come in, say hello and slowly admire the beauty of the flowers, sometimes I buy something for myself, sometimes I just ask how to care for this or that flower, or exchange a few phrases with the seller, absolutely on abstract topics. And now I feel that thoughts about work have dissolved like coffee granules in water, and the joy of the upcoming evening appears”... My husband, with undisguised pleasure, goes to kindergarten after a hard day to pick up his youngest son! “I cross the threshold and find myself in a world where it smells of casserole and childhood. In the meantime, while the child is getting dressed, I look at the crafts and drawings...” - if this ritual is not perceived as “fulfillment of duty”, but rejoices at the opportunity to observe the moments of growth of your child every time. What are your plans for the evening? It turns out that your mood also depends on your upcoming plans! If every evening follows the same scenario, then you are not far from despondency. And if you find the strength and desire to diversify your “life after work,” then there is a high probability that you will truly enjoy this part of your life. By properly planning your evenings, you find new resources and do not get stuck in the “everyday swamp of everyday household chores.” For example: on Wednesday evenings the whole family goes to the pool, and on Friday we go to visit friends or receive guests ourselves. And thus, for several years now, I don’t have the feeling that I live monotonously in the evenings after work. There are times in life when you reach the threshold of the house, but negative thoughts and stress never let go, then “express” will help. method”, which I often practice myself. I imagine that a huge bowl of clean spring water hangs above the door of my house, and as soon as I cross the threshold, this bowl throws water over me and washes away all the negativity from head to toe. And so, I enter my home new, clean, happy and full of strength! This is the great power of imagination and self-persuasion! It helps me, try it too!