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Price, value and evaluation are the same root, but so different. Value is such an intangible concept. Love, respect, freedom, kindness, care, order, responsibility...What abstract concepts, right? After all, each person responds to these words with something of his own, something special. These values ​​cannot be weighed, smelled, touched, or put in a wheelbarrow. Until they are specified, assessed in those measures that two people have agreed upon among themselves, a group of people. And here a huge field for confusion and confusion begins. Who are the judges who came up with measures for assessing values ​​that are often inexpressible in words? Do their measures match your personal feelings about this value? They - these people - are almost like gods. After all, it is their assessment that sets the price for our values. Dad and Mom. And they, in turn, have their dad and mom. And so on along the family chain. And in the background: teachers, the state, authoritative aunts and uncles from TV. This evaluation meme has been formed over many hundreds of years and we have a funny need: the need to be appreciated and recognized for our value. Who we choose to be judges? In fact, it doesn’t matter what we affirm at the level of consciousness. We think that what we care about is the opinion of our boss, our idol, our significant other, or our parents. But no. Our own personal appraiser already lives inside our unconscious, in which many thousands of generations of appraisers are mixed. This appraiser can, in our mental space, take on the images of our parents or our bosses, or a Cheburashka - the essence is the same: measure, weigh, compare, stick on a more or less clear price tag. A loser, a loser... Or a cool guy, a beauty, a nerd, etc. A sense of duty, an appraiser and living on borrowed money. The task of our internal appraiser is to determine our value in relationships with other people. His positive intention is to sell us at a higher price. Esotericists would call our internal appraiser the word EGO - assigning us various labels, price tags and identifications. As a rule, this appraiser sells us to everyone and anyone. If they don’t hire us, he starts lowering the price. Devalue us. He has no idea that his systems of weights and measures are outdated and, to put it mildly, knocked down. And this is where it is important to attract your consciousness as an ally to revise the system of weights and measures. But alas, more often we use our consciousness, adding even more criteria for our appraiser to evaluate us. There is another rather strange function that our internal appraiser performs: the function of a creditor. It evaluates how much we deserve to receive something good from life. He evaluates our credit history. As a rule, he believes that what we receive from life, from a person, from a situation - we must return with interest. What we ourselves give to others in relationships, in life, in specific situations - must be returned back to us with interest. Naturally, the system of weights and measures is established by the appraiser. Consciousness often does not even realize or notice it. Example No. 1: You were invited by friends to a restaurant, you had a heart-to-heart talk and even met a handsome young man (or girl). The evening was a success. You exchanged phone numbers and hope to continue your pleasant acquaintance. You come home and feel something changing in your mood. Who am I (am I) to get something good in life. I’m nothing special, “I have nothing to repay with.” That is, your internal appraiser has already decided for you that you cannot repay this loan for a good evening and a pleasant acquaintance, since, in his opinion, you are nothing of yourself. And so he offers a solution: to DEVALUATE a wonderful evening. Friends invited you to a restaurant because there was a shortage in their company. If not for this, you would never have been invited. The young man (or girl) is just a pick-up artist and he is not interested in you as a person. Etc. That’s it - the evening is worthless, therefore, the appraiser believes, the loan need not be repaid. The end is banal: the appraiserwill find a way to convince your consciousness and unconsciousness that you should avoid “continuing this credit history of a good evening.” It doesn’t even occur to him that this notorious loan is another myth, inherited by him in the form of another criterion for assessment (belief): “You have to pay for everything in life.” Yes, it’s more convenient for him, since the concept of “unconditional value” is abstract, complex, and incomprehensible for him. It opens the way to some kind of transcendence in the form of the soul, the systemic wisdom of nature (which allowed the birth of a specific person), etc. The appraiser is fed by the fear of consciousness of the unknown and unpredictability of life. It naively seems to him that in fact he, with his criteria and assessments, protects consciousness from “terrible monsters” lurking in the chaos of a non-evaluative life. The most terrible belief for him is the belief that “everything is possible, there is no black and white, good and bad - there is only experience and development." The appraiser interprets it as the belief that "anything can happen - any trouble." He thinks at this moment, as before, assessing this life with his own categories - measuring the Universe with his own standards : fear, rigid and outdated criteria, underdeveloped consciousness and lack of cooperation between consciousness and the unconscious. Example No. 2: You have completed a complex project, brought the work to almost perfection. And so, you could write this result into your success box. BUT.... HE - the appraiser - comes on stage and says “his opinion”. All. Sentence. No amount of praise or compliments from others will penetrate your heart. You are dejected, upset, but you can’t do anything: “circumstances are again against you.” Example No. 3: You have lived for almost four decades. But, looking back, you get the feeling that the years have flown by in vain. "You have achieved nothing." "You wasted your time on something unimportant." “You are living your life completely in vain, there is nothing worthwhile on the line of your life.” Yeah, see example #2. Not a single success or achievement has been written down in the book of your life. They did not pass censorship. Example No. 4: “My appraiser will evaluate you too.” Sometimes we allow our appraiser to expand his powers and begin to evaluate others. “Fi, this goat is not suitable for us!” “Gentlemen, gentlemen! There is no need to argue: You are all wrong! I will now show you how to live.” The appraiser’s favorite trick in any conflict is a game called: “prove to the other that he wrong, and feel my power “Who is the boss? Many cultures suggest getting rid of the EGO. My opinion is that everything that exists in us (including the EGO) needs the positive protection of the conscious mind. The assessment itself is neither good nor bad until all parties involved in the assessment are aware of their assessment criteria and recognize their limitations within the framework of any specific situation. For example, when negotiating specific agreements. It doesn't matter whether it's in business or in your personal life. It is important to remember that the criteria can and should be changed, as life itself changes. And it is important to convey your criteria to your consciousness. If another person is also involved in this (for example, in a relationship), then even to the consciousness of the other person. It is not so easy to be aware of your criteria. For example, when speaking about the need for mutual understanding, we ask, for example, that they listen to us without interrupting our thoughts, look at us (and not to the side), do not raise their voices at us and recognize that we have the right to our own point vision. Or that when we talk about order, we mean not to touch any of our personal belongings. And we may be surprised that another person has completely different, different from ours, criteria for seemingly the same concepts. Awareness their criteria and their evaluator - this is part of a person’s adult position, adult consciousness. You should not think that many people have an adult consciousness under the masks of adults. Their appraiser is not conscious and therefore has enormous (almost unlimited) power over their consciousness, behavior, and feelings. In part, the goal is long-term/