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From the author: Choice, choice, choice! Sometimes it can be so difficult to do. How to choose if the options are equally attractive in appearance? But, there is a great way to deal with this problem, just open it up like a fan! In life, we constantly have to make difficult or simple choices, and sometimes our future depends on this choice. A choice is a responsible step, and how difficult it is sometimes to make. Many, afraid to take responsibility for the result, give the right of choice to other people: parents, spouse, boss, partner, store clerk, friend, etc. You can completely rely on fate by tossing a coin and thus solving the problem. Or make a choice in favor of the easiest, most attractive or easily achieved option. But in all these cases, the result often does not meet expectations and leads to disappointment. It’s good if you can choose again and go through the path differently (change an unsuitable blouse in a store, transfer to another tram, eat a carrot instead of an apple). And it happens that the choice affects a person’s destiny (place of residence, study, work, marriage...) and depends on many factors (time, money, health, etc.) Here is one way to make the right choice. Let's call it “the choice between an apple and a carrot.” This method will help you make a choice between two outwardly equally attractive options, be it work, travel, vacation, kindergarten, school, university, buying a car, financial investment - whatever. To do this, you just need a piece of paper and a pen. On the segment (let’s call it “choice”) from 0 to 10, mark where you are now in your decision to make a choice.0_____________________10This is necessary in order to subsequently see your progress towards making a decision. Let's assume that 0 means no decision, no choice. 10 – the choice has been made, the decision has been made. For example, you have decided to make a choice, but you still doubt whether it is correct. And you rate your decision to make a choice by 3 points.0_____3________________10. To see the difference and benefit from the choice you make, draw a wheel and divide it into sectors of important areas in your life. For example, if you are solving an issue with work, then you can indicate the following sectors: family, health, rest (vacation, weekends), salary, career growth, team, comfort, amount of work, requirements, travel, leisure or other. If you decide to change place of residence, then these could be the following sectors: climate, adaptation, dating, work, contacts, choice of housing price, opportunity to study (himself, children), family attitude or others. Sign each sector that interests you. You may have more or less of them. Then, divide each sector into two more parts, where one part will be “carrot” and the other “apple”, that is, your two options to choose from. Now, when answering questions, mark “+” or “-” that option (apple or carrot), which in your opinion is more attractive and profitable. So, a simple example, you need to choose whether to change your job to a new one (apple) or stay the same (carrot): For example, carrot - working in an office in the basement without a natural lighting has a bad effect on my well-being. I don't get enough sleep because I get up early to get to the office "-". And the apple is a bright office with large windows, a 10-minute walk from my house “+”. Carrots - they pay more, and there are bonuses “+”. Apple - they pay less and only a bare salary “-”. Carrots - I actually don’t see my family because I work late and seven days a week “-”. Apple - there are weekends and free time in the afternoon when I can pick up the children from school and walk around the park “+”, etc. At the end of the work, you will see where there are more advantages, which option is a priority and beneficial for you. Now it's time to decide if you are ready to make a choice. Answer the question: When are you ready to make a decision? And mark where you are now on the selection scale. If you are ready!